What Happens in Antalya . . . . .

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Was it just @borogirl8 and I that thought we got a bit let down with all the heat that was generated in Antalya? Well maybe that should change?


They were like magnets. Polar opposites that were so attracted to each other that it was bound to happen. They couldn't stay away from each other, couldn't fight the attraction, didn't want to fight it. That was how Engin had described the reaction that Serkan Bolat had to Eda Yildiz when he was recounting the first time he saw them together.

"I tell you Pyril, I've never seen anything like it. You know how controlled Serkan is, all buttoned up and rigid? Eda makes him lose his mind. You saw him that first day. It was like he was short circuiting. I've known him my whole life and never has he ever had a reaction like that to a woman."

Pyril rolled her head to look at him and she leaned back in the office chair, "I was in the office when he lost his temper Engin. Personally I didn't think he could blink that fast and then I was at the press conference Engin. I saw their impromptu make-out session but you know who else saw it?"

"Yeah, she'll be trouble. I don't know why Selin bothered getting engaged. She thinks that she's still in a relationship with Serkan."

Snickering then delicately coughing to cover it, Pyril let out, "She could be. She has as much contact with him now as she did then," they looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Selin Atakan had been the PR director at ArtLife for years. She did an okay job but had the annoying habit of thinking that she owned Serkan. When he left for London months earlier Engin likened it to Serkan running away from home. The man really just needed to get away from his family, Selin and their constant nagging. All of them wanted him to reconsider his decision to remain single and marry Selin. Engin and Pyril knew that it would never happen. Serkan was twenty-eight not eight and could make up his own mind. He had been clear from the start that his association, because he refused to call it a relationship, with Selin was an extension of the business.

Once Engin could breathe again he asked, "Did you hear that Eda and Serkan are having Selin and Ferit over for dinner tonight? That ought to be interesting. Poor Ferit."

"Poor Ferit? Selin thinks that she's going to expose Serkan and Eda for fakes tonight. She thinks that the kiss at the press conference was staged and Serkan is doing all of this to make her jealous. I say poor us because we have to deal with her in Antalya for the next three days after the dinner. We might want to have buckets of ice water on hand for those two."

He chuckled, "Eda and Serkan? Forget about it Pyril. Have you ever seen Serkan so focused on someone before in your life? I haven't and I've known him since I was six. No, when those two are around each other no one else exists. It would take a fire hose to cool them down. . . . . . Maybe not even that. He should have just married Eda the first day."

"You really think so?"

Engin leaned over and held out his hand, "I propose a bet. They get married in the next five days. If I'm wrong I'll stop pushing to meet your parents but if I'm right then I meet them and we set a date."

Pyril took his hand and shook it, "Five days? The nineteenth is the day after we get back from Antalya. You know that Serkan is never in the office that day. You're on, you'll meet my parents when I'm ready," she pushed her chair back to leave.

"Where are you going? I thought we were having dinner tonight?"

"We are but I'm going to buy ear plugs before I forget. I'll get you a pair too. I don't want to listen to Selin in Antalya bitch about Serkan and Eda for three days," Engin just laughed to himself as she walked away. She wasn't wrong, Selin was in for a rude awakening. He yelled after her, "Get a pair for Ferit too!"

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