The Visitor

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A few hours after lunch, Snape was at my door.

His brows were raised at me in annoyance as he stood there, after having attempted to enter.

I'd stood in his way, glaring at him, refusing to move aside.

He'd back up a step.

"May I come in?" He asked sarcastically.

I contemplated.

"Depends," I emphasized.


"The next thing that comes out of your mouth," I stated.

He sighed, exasperated.

"I have no time, nor patience, for mind games."

"I want an apology first," I said crossing my arms.

"I thought I was here to do you a favor Ms. Y/L/N," he shot.

I hated my last name and it was an effort not to scowl at it as it left his mouth.

It was my fathers name—not mine.

I didn't let on though.

"Well seeing as how you almost killed me and this was Lucius's request, not mine, favor or not I'd like one."

"I'm... sorry," he said with displeasure.

"What, specifically, are you sorry for, Professor?" I asked with a grin.

It was satisfying to dish out the type of attitude he usually gave Hogwarts students.

He ground his teeth.

"I apologize... for trying to kill you," he said as though he was being forced to say the most humiliating thing of his life.

"That was better but I still didn't appreciate your tone," I said stepping to the side to let him in.

He huffed as he walked in an overly dramatic fashion.

I had him follow me to my father's office, and every time I turned to glance at him he was looking around him as if he was in a museum.

"Have you never been here before, Professor?" I asked over my shoulder.

Though I knew he had.

He glared at me, "Last time I was here I was a little preoccupied with the battlefield in your dining room. Plus whenever I did come here for meetings your father rarely gave house tours to anyone. He was extremely private—Forgive me for taking a slight interest," he drawled.

"Hm," I said passively as we finally got to my father's study

"Delivery," I said to Lucius's turned back as Snape followed behind me.

Lucius glanced behind him from where he was working, "Ah Severus. Perfect timing. The enchantment on this chest is being especially stubborn."

Snape looked as though he hadn't heard him as he looked around the room with raised brows.

"Quite a...collection..." Snape said with wary interest.

That was an understatement—it was an archeologist's gold mine.

"An obsession of his—looking at it now, it could easily be described as hoarding. But what is wealth if not hoarding," I said looking around as well.

Before anyone could say anything in response there was another ring at the door.

"Expecting someone else?" Snape asked us.

AFTER DARK- Lucius Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now