Chapter Nineteen:

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The Heir to Casterly Rock

The Heir to Casterly Rock

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{Word Count: 1590}

A year and a few months had past since the birth of Visera first child, Daeleyes. In that time she had lost her second child, it died a week after she found out she was with child. The cause was to a beating from the dearest husband, he of course did not know of the child but he was the reason it died.

Visera hasn't seen any of her family since the day her daughter was born, Jason sent letters on her behalf saying there was no need for them or her to visit. Every letter that Aemond sent, Jason would have them burnt and would return to their room to beat or bed her, sometimes it was both.

It had stopped when Visera fell pregnant for the third time, she was now almost ready to give birth. Florence had said it could happen any day now. And she had hoped it was a boy so her husbands wrath would leave her alone.

" Mama." Daeleyes said breaking her from her thoughts, the girl held a wooden doll out to her with a smile. " play." Visera chuckled grabbing the doll with a smile " of course, my darling." Daeleyes reminded Visera of Helena, the girl was sweet just as her aunt was, they both shared a lot.

They played for a hour before Daeleyes started to rub her eyes and yawn ever so often. Visera chuckled at her daughter who refused to let her mother take her to bed. But as soon as she picked her up and half way to the nursery the baby was asleep. Visera layer her down carefully with a kiss before simply just admiring her.

Her silver hair grew fast and was now to the middle of her back and her blue eyes shined. She favored Aemond, anyone could see that. Her dragon egg hatched in her cradle a moon after her birthday, a green dragon with bright blue eyes. It was kept in a makeshift dragon pit as the real one was being built.

Visera's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things, and crushes down remorselessly all that stand in its path. She would die for her, kill for her, she would do anything in her power to protect her child and the unborn child in her belly.

The door opened the creak made Visera cringe, checking to see if Daeleyes woke but she had not. Florence walked in with a frown, but as the door closed it turned into a wide smile. " what is it?" Visera asked seeing how her handmaiden barely smiles anymore, unless it's her or her child's doing.

" I managed to get a letter." She said reaching into her dress pulling out the parchment paper. " it's from Prince Aemond." She whispered with a smirk as Visera quickly snatched it out of her hand. The princess frowned, the seal was broken. She looked up at Florence with a knowing look, but she just returned a innocent one. Visera chuckled and shook her head, that women was to nosy for her own good. It didn't bother her that she read it Visera was just thankful she had it.

Dearest Rose,

I have wrote so many of these I lost count, I am beginning to worry for you and Dae. That cunt cannot keep me from you, I will kill that bastard. Not that you would care but father has gotten much worse, Grandsire and mother took over the council and throne. Aegon, Helena, Daeron and mother miss you dearly as do I. Helena has gotten her children to say you name, it was their first word. She insisted they knew something about you even if they are to young to understand. You should see Aegon with the twins, it makes me sick how much he has changed.

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