Chapter Two:

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  Visera stood watching her brothers and nephews train, as she has done for many years

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Visera stood watching her brothers and nephews train, as she has done for many years. Some thought of it as boring, but she saw a way to understand people's actions and thoughts.

Like Jace, he thought quickly. He thought if he worked faster he could win. Luke was to young, he really didn't think much about it he just fought. Aemond, thought strategically. He thought of how to use his opponent's weakness against them. Aegon just thought of power and (he let that power get to his head most times.) He thought if he could hit them harder he would win.

Though she had no knowledge of sparing, she knew they all could have an advantage with they ways they thought.

" this is the stuff Lynoel!" The king spoke with a chuckle from beside Visera. Her father was so blind sometimes, she often wondered how he could walk without falling. " lads that learn together, train together. Knock each other down, pick each other up." The king pats the hand's stomach before turning back to the courtyard. " they'll certainly form a life long bond, wouldn't you agree?" Lynoel nodded his head "yes that's the hope your grace."

Had they actually hid it that well? Or were the adults just to blind to see the hatred the children shared?

Though Visera payed her father no mind and continued to watch the boys train. Aegon had approached Jace and knocked the sword from his hand. She had never known why her nephews let Aegon push them around. But Ser Criston continue yelling out advice the the two princes, knocking her thoughts from her head.

As Visera watched Aemond she could she he was beginning to get upset. Ser Criston then demanded the princes try to defeat him, everyone in the courtyard knew they wouldn't win.

Aemond was the first to make a move, but was blocked by the knight. Aegon then tried but was blocked, they both then charged at him but once again they were blocked. This went on for a few good minutes, but they were blocked each time.

Ser Harwin then stepped towards her nephews caught her attention. Visera was not a fool, she heard the rumors of Rhaenyra's children being Harwin's rather than Leanor's. But she didn't know whether or not to believe them. Ser Harwin whispered something to them but the princess could not hear.

Ser Criston and Ser Harwin then began talking, still Visera could not hear them but she knew it was nothing good. Criston grabbed Jace by the chest armor, and drug him to the center of the courtyard. " Eldest son against Eldest son." Visera could barely make out the words, but she heard enough to understand.

This was not fair, Aegon was twice his size. He was also stronger, but she understood if in a real battle none would be a fair fight.

Aegon charged forward with a cry, causing the younger boy to back up. He continued to charge hitting Jaces sword each time. He pushed Jace to the ground. A small gasp fell from Visera lips, but Aegon was laughing.

But when Aegon turned his back Jace got up and charged towards him. A smirk appeared on the princess's face, and on Ser Harwin's. Jace copied Aegon's moves from a few minutes ago. He charged causing the silver haired boy to walk backwards.

Aegon took shield behind a mummy they use for training, he pushed it over on Jace . The dark haired boy almost fell but caught himself. Shouts erupted the courtyard causing Ser Harwrin to pull aside Jace, and Ser Criston pull aside Aegon.

Visera urged to be closer, to hear what they were saying. But Alicent made it clear she didn't want her near the courtyard when they were training. She wasn't even supposed to be here, but the king said he would accompany her. But he has not spoken a word to her since.

The boys begin fighting again, but this time it became more intense. They fought back and forth until Aegon kicked Jace to the ground. Visera stood on her toes trying to get a better look. Jace tried to get up but everytime he tried Aegon would hit his sword, the force causing him to fall back down.

Ser Harwin ran forward grabbing Aegon's sword. "Enough!!!" The prince began yelling at the knight, but Viserys called his name making him stop. Visera was tired of not hearing what they were saying so she went to make her way down the stairs. Her father still didn't say anything. Once she reached the bottom, Aemond sent her a look telling her to go back up, but she ignored it and stood beside him.

They watched as Ser Harwin began picking up the swords. " your interest in the prince's training is quite unusual Commander." The princess's eyes widen she had known where is conversation was going, and she knew it wasn't going to end well.

But Harwin just ignored him which made Criston mad so he continued. " most men would only have that kind of devotion towards a cousin, or a brother." Ser Harwin stood but continued to ignore the knight behind him. " or a son." Visera's breath stopped in her throat, this wasn't going to end well, at all....

The next thing Visera knew they were both on the ground and Ser Harwin was punching Ser Criston.

Aemond positioned himself in front of Visera blocking her from the scene. She leaned her head on his back waiting for the fight to stop. When it did, Aemond took her hand and lead her into the castle.

He had led her to the gardens, where they spend most of their time together. Visera mostly because of the roses and the gods wood, Aemond mostly because this was were he saw Visera the happiest.

" you okay?" He asked his sister as they took a seat at the bottom of the gods wood. She nodded with a smile. " yes, just shocked." He nodded back before they sat in a comfortable silence. " did you see Aegon's face when Jace got back up?" The princess asked causing them both to laugh.

They both sat and talked until the sun set which meant they had missed dinner. So they both said their farewells before going to their chambers and to go to sleep.

Visera could not sleep, something inside her told her something bad was happening. She did not know what it was about but it had her tossing and turning all night.

When she was informed the next morning that Ser Harwin and Laena Velaryon had died she knew that was it. That was the reason she was feeling that, though she did not know why or how she knew it was happening.

Alicent had told her that they would be attending her funeral, and that she needed to offer some comfort to Laena's young daughters. Baela and Rhaena. But Visera knew there was nothing she could do to help them, but she was willing to try anyway.

Visera had thought it was strange Ser Harwin had died a day after his fight with Ser Criston. They said it was from a fire that started in the kitchens, but she knew it was something more. Something worse, way worse.

And when she told her mother what she thought Alicent just dismissed her and said it was a terrible accident and nothing more. But something in the way her mother had said it, told her she knew more. And Visera was going to get her mother to tell her.

~~~~~~~~~~[ author's note]~~~~~~~~~

Let me know what you think.. I hope you like it, and I'm sorry if some of this is wrong or the timeline is off I'm not able to watch it as reference so again I apologize.

But anyway, I hope you have a great day!!!

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