Chapter 2

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Days passed, no one was selected as the heir. But apart from the rumours everyone trusted the queen. Every state collects a handsome amount of money as tax without affecting the individuals. These taxes belongs to the queen she could have saved it or give it to her sons, but she didn't. She spent all the money on charity works and built schools and provided free education also found the best teachers from the surrounding. So people didn't mind about the tax as she was spending it for the people itself. But her descendents were not happy about this. Even though they were the royal family and lived in luxury they still longed for more money and a life of a God.
                       The competition between the two brothers continued. Bernard tried his best to look the best choice infront of his mother while planning against Wallace. The two brothers had a competition mind since childhood. At first everyone thought that it was because they were children but as they grew up the friction increased between them and became jealous of each other. When Bernard married a countess from Fabel family, Wallace married from the well known Gaile family. The friction was even handed over to their children. They were also like enemies.
                       Everyone had a good opinion about Wallace as he was nice to everyone. But no one knew that he was a terrible person inside his home. It was quite hard for him to stop the drinking habits, but depending on some medicines he managed to control it and that's when he realised how terrible person he was. He regretted everything he had ever done to his lovely wife. Finally, the regret became a burden that he couldn't handle, so he talked to Jezebel, his wife. He was on his knees as Jezebel was sitting on the bed. She had no idea what was going on. He took her hands on his and gently kissed her hands. She was speechless because it was the last thing she would ever expect from her husband.He began to apologise..
                       " Jez, I... I'm sorry. I know I had been a terrible person towards you and all these years I wandered for the thorn, to achieve it. But I lost the love of my life". As Wallace stopped ,he felt tears on his hands rolling down from her eyes which was still beautiful in her late 50s. " I would have choose you even if you were not from the royal family. I loved you for who you are not for your royal fame. It's right that there was times that I was scared of you but I still understand your pressure and the amount of anxiety you are dealing with. In this life we were not perfect and our lives are not too long to enjoy it now. So let's be together in our next life. Let's live like commoners". He was surprised to hear that Jezebel didn't hate him. His heart felt more and more heavier. He hugged her to sleep. He asked God for forgiveness for what he did.
                       The very next day Wallace was assigned to check the taxes from some state by going there himself. He went for work , but it was not usual. Everyone in his home was eager to know when was he coming back. His younger daughter didn't even want him to go there. Jezebel prepared some food for him to eat in the way. He felt the warmth of a family for the first time. Now the only thing in his mind was to protect his family, to live happily with them. He set out to work. Days passed, one day Wallace's entire family was ordered to be present in the royal palace. Every other siblings were summoned there too. Then the queen delivered the most heart breaking news. Wallace was assassinated. He was no more.

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