Chapter 31

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I sat in my study to go through some works I've been putting up for later. As I suspected two of the Siagrans were spies indeed and they were killed by Muki's son. They were sent by the Queen of Siagra and if captured they were given poison to eat and die immediately. They were tortured so bad that they saw hell on this earth. They were not much of a help but at least Riham and his family are safe. I sent one of my spies to investigate about the twin Soldiers who dared to touch Riham, yesterday itself. They were nothing but usual guards and by night they'll be lured into my trap. Their death trap. I arranged enough food as the fall season is near. Soon winter will come and we have to rely upon hunting. Still winter and harsh storms can cause damages to the smaller and weaker houses, So woods are also collected and firewood will be kept in our storehouse, which everyone in the valley has access to. We were never out of firewood as the people who take two bundle will collect four bundle and keep it in the storehouse. My people will be well fed and sheltered until my last breath.
                             I was so indulged in my paperwork that it took a moment for me to notice someone was staring at me, from the door side. Della..... I ran towards her and hugged her so tight. I took a deep breath from her side of the neck and made sure she's real, she's with me. "You missed me?" She asked while hugging on to me. Her feet don't even touch the floor. I closed the door by kicking it and I grabbed her by her waist and raised her above and spined one time. She's giggling and tapping her hand on my forearm to let her down. I made her sit on my desk and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. " Missed you? I was dying without you my love. Missing would be an understatement". I could see the genuine happiness and yes that pink tinted blush on her face. I kissed her again , this time very slowly, taking my time and enjoying her. She's so soft and fragile that sometimes I think she might get a broken rib if I hug her too tight. She has become light weight since the last time I saw her. Her lips are so soft and welcoming. She opened her mouth for me to enter, our tongue getting intertwined while my hands found the tip of her dress. I slowly entered my hands up her soft thighs while kissing her. I parted her legs and I kissed her chin, slowly dragging my lips towards her neck, licking and biting it while my hands settled under her butt. Now she's sitting on my palm while I fondle her smooth curves. Her moans are the only thing I can hear now and the best part is she's grabbing my hair and keeping me closer to her. I moved my palm towards the front of her panty line, and one sharp tug was all it took to tear it apart & I took the white lace panty drenched in her honey and shoved into my pocket.
                    I still can't see her aching part due to her dress nestled around that portion, but her eyes filled with lust and she's begging for more. Her face is red and eyes gleamy. The sharpness of her look was directly sent to someone who's trying to get out of my pants since I hugged her. I've been very tolerant in case of sexual desires, but then there's Della. She changed everything. She came into my life like an unexpected rain which is designed for you to get drenched there's no other option. Not that I'm complaining, I loved her and she almost made me lose my sanity. All these thoughts are floating in my mind while she's looking at me with the expectation of something forbidden. She crossed her bare thigh around me, Trapping me with her. I admired the mark that I just gave her on her neck and kissed it again. I traced my finger over the left shoulder line of her frock and pulled it to the side revealing her shoulders and little of her cleavage. At this rate I'll fuck her right here right now. I kissed her shoulder, suddenly someone barged into the room without even knocking.
                 I'm pretty sure whoever it is they might have a death wish. I didn't even turn and quickly grabbed my long coat and covered Della with it. I turned my head only to see Zara with a crimson red face and her eyes might fall out of the socket if it bulges anymore. " Try to read the fucking room Zaraaaaaaa" I tried not to yell and it came out as pleading. How am I supposed to teach her these things. I'm pretty sure as much as she's supportive of my relationship with Della, she might be the one and only reason I might die without an heir. Kai entered behind her and took her by her waist and without talking or giving a glance he took her out and closed the door. Usually she would've thrown tantrums and told him not to take advantage of short people and all, but today she was surprised? I don't know what she felt. I turned to see Della, she was pale and almost cold.
" Hey, that was nothing. No one saw you, and Zara, forget about her she's like that. Go back to your room and get changed, I've some work and we'll definitely continue this" I winked at her and her life came back to her face. I helped her get down and she made sure her dress is okay but her panty, for the time being will be with me. She went out of the room and glanced back at me with a seductive look. Damn...... This girl is gonna be the end of me.


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