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A couple days passed after Gabrielle's fever broke and Xena made sure to keep a closer eye on Gabrielle's condition in an effort to avoid another health scare. Though she was fairly confident that she had gotten to the root of the problem and solved it before the infection did any irreparable damage. It was early afternoon as Xena, Gabrielle and Aurora sat in bed. Xena sat happily watching Gabrielle telling Aurora a story to try and get the baby to fall asleep for her nap as she layed on Gabrielle's chest. As Gabrielle spoke out of the corner of her eye she saw Xena smiling.


Nothing it's just nice to see you feeling well enough to do your bard thing.

Gabrielle gave Xena a curious look.

My "bard thing"?

You know what I ment.

Gabrielle smiled.

I know. I think it's nice that I get to tell Aurora all the exciting things we've done and some other stories too.

She's a lucky girl.

She's not the only one.

Xena smiled as she kissed Gabrielle.

No I'm the lucky one.

Fine let's just say we're all lucky.

Gabrielle winced a little.

At least somewhat anyway.

Xena stood up.

Here why don't I put her to bed and get you something for the pain.


Xena picked up Aurora and put her to bed before getting Gabrielle some herbs that Xena knew worked for reducing pain. After grinding them up Xena mixed them into a drink and gave it to Gabrielle, who drank it all down.

There that should help. Now why don't you take a nice nap too.

Xena took the cup from Gabrielle a put it on the stand by the bed as she pulled the covers up and made sure Gabrielle was comfortable. As Gabrielle began to drift off Xena made her way out of the room.


Hearing Gabrielle, Xena stopped and turned around.


Thanks for always taking such good care of me.

Xena smiled warmly.

Gabrielle you know you don't have to thank me for that.

You say that but I still wanted you to know how much I love you for everything you do.

I love you too Gabrielle. Now get some rest.

Gabrielle smiled softly as she closed her eyes and Xena left the room. A few hours passed as Xena kept herself occupied with various tasks. She was sitting on the couch sharpening her sword when she heard Aurora begin to cry. Figuring it was about time for her to wake up, Xena put her sword away and headed upstairs. After tending to the baby Xena decided to check on Gabrielle and see if she needed anything. She looked at Gabrielle who looked so peaceful, Xena almost hated to wake her. But after noticing the time she figured she should get Gabrielle her dinner.

Gabrielle. It's time to get up.

Gabrielle didn't respond. But that wasn't surprising. She had always been a heavy sleeper. Plus with the mixture Xena had given her earlier, it was no surprise that waking Gabrielle wasn't quite so simple. So Xena tried again, giving Gabrielle a gentle nudge to get her to stir. This time the only response was a slight movement of Gabrielle's head. So Xena tried again. This time Gabrielle mumbled Xena's name as she slightly opened her eyes.

Hey you feeling okay?

Gabrielle didn't say anything as she raised her arm slightly as if reaching for Xena but quickly dropped her arm back to the bed. That was when Xena noticed that Gabrielle's fever had returned and she now looked to be in even worse condition than before.

(Thinking to herself) Damn it. I thought I fixed the problem. How's she in even worse shape?

Xena quickly mixed up some more of the concoction that she'd given Gabrielle the first time and had Gabrielle try and drink some.

Here this should help.

Xena sat next to Gabrielle, helping her sit up and lean back against Xena who sat behind her to help keep Gabrielle upright. Xena then took the cup and held it to Gabrielle's lips to drink. Gabrielle managed to drink down most of the contents of the cup. But as drank some went down the wrong way causing her to cough. Xena put the cup down and patted Gabrielle's back to help her clear out her airways. After a few moments the coughing fit stopped but Gabrielle's breathing still seemed to be  labored. Xena held her as she tried to soothe Gabrielle who was once again shivering from her fever.

(Weak whisper) Xena....

It's alright I'm right here.

(Weak whisper) I don't feel right.

I know. You'll start feeling better in a few days. We just have to give the medicine time to work.

(Weak whisper) Okay.

Xena sat in bed for a while just holding Gabrielle. After a bit Gabrielle stopped shivering and seemed to be drifting off to sleep. Xena sat quietly as she watched Gabrielle asleep in her arms. She looked out the window at the sunny day as she tried to relax. Though her attention was soon drawn back to Gabrielle when she heard her labored breathing become worse.


Xena tried adjusting how Gabrielle was sitting but it didn't seem to help. Gabrielle continued struggling for air. Now Xena was becoming even more worried.

It's okay come on Gabrielle.

Gabrielle gasped several more times before going silent.


Xena then felt Gabrielle go completely limp in her arms.


Gabrielle didn't respond. Xena quickly moved and layed Gabrielle down.

Gabrielle come on.

Gabrielle didn't respond as she just layed there. Xena felt for a pulse and found that it was weak but Gabrielle wasn't breathing. Xena then immediately began performing C.P.R.

Breathe Gabrielle, breathe.

Xena continued to try resuscitating Gabrielle, as her efforts very quickly became frantic when Gabrielle didn't respond.

Come on you can't die on me. Not like this.

Xena went on trying to get Gabrielle back as full fledged fear and panic set in. As she felt Gabrielle slipping away from her. Leaving Xena desperate to save her. But was the truth of the matter that Xena was on a pointless endeavor and didn't want to accept the fact that Gabrielle was already gone?


"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now