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The screams of Amelia, Mia and Aria echoed throughout the area as Iris, Naomi and the injured Xena and Willow moved through the wooded area following the sounds. Going as quickly as they could with two injured people. Fortunately Xena was able to move unassisted and Iris helped Willow to move faster. Though none of them were sure that they would be able to find the others in time.


Amelia raised her head as she attempted to slowly drag her beaten and bloodied body away. She looked over to see Aria laying in a crumpled heap under a tree as Mia's Pain filled scream filled the air. She looked over her shoulder to see Mia being dangled by her leg as Echidna lifted her off the ground with her tail. Still defyent, Mia tried swinging at Echidna who just laughed as the woman missed. Refusing to give up, Mia reached up and began pounding on the monster's tail.

You're certainly a stubborn one aren't you?

With one quick monitor Echidna brought her tail down and slammed Mia on the ground. The Amazon let out a painful gasp as Echidna raised her back up and slammed her again before casually tossing her now limp body aside.


Amelia tried to get up but couldn't. By this time Aria who had been tossed aside by Echidna earlier had made it back to her feet using her sword as support. Once she registered her balance Aria yelled as she raised her blade and rushed for Echidna. Echidna turned towards her just as Aria was about to swing the creature swiped her tail and knocked the sword out of Aria's hands. The momentary shock from being disarmed left Aria open as Echidna grabbed her by the neck with one clawed hand and effortlessly lifted her off the ground as Aria struggled for air. Amelia finally managed to stand and ran at Echidna but was caught by the creatures tail as she too began being strangled. All while Mia remained motionless several feet away as Echidna laughed while she continued to squeeze the life out of Aria and Amelia. Everything began to fade into darkness for Amelia whe she heard Echidna yell suddenly and throw them both to the ground as she released her hold on them. Both Aria and Amelia gasped as they were once again able to breathe, as they heard a voice speak.

You should really make sure you finish what you start.

Amelia managed to sit up as she looked to see what happened and was stunned by what she saw. As was Echidna who turned towards the voice.

(Angry tone) You. How?

The creature scowled as she saw a beaten and battered Xena standing several feet away with a scowl on her face as she held up her hand and caught her chakrum that came flying towards her. But she wasn't alone as Iris, Willow and Naomi stood behind her all with their weapons drawn. Aria, Amalia and Mia looked on in shock as Echidna inspected her new wound.

She actually hurt it.

How? None of us could do anything to this thing.

(Angry tone) Just what is she?

Xena moved slowly as she kept Echidna's attention.

(Angry tone) Alright Amazon you want me to finish you. Then allow me to grant your request.

Echidna yelled and went for Xena as Naomi, Iris and Willow moved towards the others. Naomi crouched down in front of Amelia.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now