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Come on Gabrielle, just breathe.

Xena continued to try and get Gabrielle to breathe again after she had begun having a difficult time getting air, before she had suddenly stopped breathing completely.

(Thinking to herself) Why is this happening? Did the infection somehow spread to her lungs? How? She seemed to be getting better. Damn it! Breathe!

Xena kept going for several minutes. Until after what felt like so much longer Gabrielle gasped as she finally took a deep breath and began breathing on her own again. Though it was still labored, Xena was beyond relieved that Gabrielle was breathing again. Xena held Gabrielle's face in her hands as she tried to gently wake her.

Gabrielle, can you hear me?

Gabrielle didn't respond as she still seemed to struggle to inhale enough oxygen.

That's it I'm getting to the bottom of what's going on.

With that Xena picked Gabrielle up and carried her downstairs and outside. She quickly looked around for the nearest person to watch Aurora. Xena spotted the small group of Ephiny, Skyla and Willow. She hastily walked over. Seeing Xena the three immediately became concerned when they noticed Gabrielle in her arms.

Xena what's wrong?

I don't know. But I need one of you to watch Aurora while I deal with this.

I'll go watch her for you.

Before anyone could say anything more Gabrielle gasped again as she struggled for air.

Go, I'll head to the house.

Xena gave a quick nod and hurried to the healers building with Ephiny and Willow following close behind. Xena entered the infermery with a kick to the door, not waiting for anyone to open it for her. Hearing the loud thud of the door smacking the wall,  the village's main healer jumped slightly before sighing to herself. Already knowing the only person who made such a ruckus every time they came in was Xena. Leaving the healer with mixed feelings towards her. The healer didn't look up from the paper she was looking over as she spoke.

Hi Xena. I'd say help yourself to whatever you need but I know you already will.

Xena didn't even hear the passive-aggressive comment as she carried Gabrielle to the nearest bed and got to work. Willow got right to work as well with helping Xena with anything she needed. Meanwhile Ephiny stood in front of the healers desk as she slammed her hands down in front of her, startling the woman who finally looked up from her paper and saw a very unhappy look on Ephiny's face.


(Irritated tone) You would think you'd be more concerned when someone barges in here like that. Especially when it involves your queen.

Ephiny saw an immediate look of concerned appear on the healers face.

Something's wrong with Gabrielle again?

(Irritated tone) Maybe you should get up and go find out.

The healer felt ashamed that she had let her annoyance with Xena at times take away from her focus and duty to help those who came in when Xena was around. She pushed down her wounded pride as she stood up and moved to see what was happening. Meanwhile Xena and Willow were already giving Gabrielle a thorough examination as Xena filled Willow in on Gabrielle's symptoms. Overhearing the conversation the healer gave her own imput as she joined them. The three worked tirelessly as Ephiny waited silently nearby becoming increasingly concerned about her queen and friend. It took some time but eventually it was discovered that the infection Gabrielle had come down with had spread to her lungs and other parts of her body. It also seemed to be resistant to the remedy that she had been given. Which ment that they had to try and find something that would hopefully work. Finally after some time Gabrielle's breathing seemed to somewhat improve. In the sense that she wasn't gasping for every breath. Though it was still clearly difficult. And she still had a fever which was also concerning if it didn't go down soon. Finally Gabrielle layed in bed in the infermery asleep as Xena, Ephiny, Willow and the healer spoke.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now