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With heavy hearts Ephiny and Xena headed to the door to leave the village hall. Ephiny opened the door and held it for Xena as Xena slowly walked towards her. Xena knew that she would have to go on for her daughter's sake, but what kind of existence would she be living without the one person that she knew she was meant to spend the rest of her life with. She was the warrior here. Wasn't she supposed to be the one to leave this world first? Not the other way around. Xena had always thought of Gabrielle as being the light in her otherwise dark world. And now all Xena saw ahead of her was darkness. Not the same darkness that had once driven her to the unforgivable acts she had committed. Because Xena had sworn to Gabrielle that should this sort of thing happen that she wouldn't go back to that dark place. But the kind that Xena knew would be with her someplace deep down as a missing piece of her very soul for the remainder of her life. Ephany opened the door and stood waiting for Xena. Xena's legs felt heavy as she walked towards the door. Her mind somehow being pulled both everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Gabrielle was gone and there wasn't anything Xena could do except to somehow find a way to move forward. Though for the moment it felt like an impossibility. Only time would tell, as it did with all things, whether people knew it right away or not.


The sudden small noise caused Xena to stop dead in her tracks as she felt her heart begin to race. She shook off the feeling as she thought her mind was playing tricks on her. But the feeling returned immediately when Xena saw a look of utter disbelief on Ephiny's face as she opened her mouth to speak but seemed unable to form a single coharent word. With her heart feeling as though it was about to pound right out of her chest, Xena turned around and saw what she would have sworn was a hallucination if it wasn't for Ephiny being there and obviously witnessing the same thing she was.

(Astonished tone) I don't believe it.


Xena quickly moved back to the platform as she saw Gabrielle sitting up. Gabrielle groaned as she moved her stiff body and gradually became aware of her surroundings. As Xena reached Gabrielle she almost hesitantly reached out and gently stroked her cheek as she began to cry tears of joy. As the world around her came back into focus Gabrielle looked up at Xena as she brought her hand up to Xena's with a confused expression.


Xena didn't say anything as she pulled Gabrielle into a tight embrace and held her as she brushed lovingly Gabrielle's hair and kissed the top of her head, refusing to let Gabrielle go for a bit. When Xena finally did release her, Gabrielle looked around the room as she realized that they weren't in their house.

What's going on?

I'll explain later right now all that matters is that you're okay.

Xena looked at Gabrielle as she briefly ran her hands over Gabrielle's body to check for anything out of the ordinary.

You are okay aren't you?

Gabrielle moved around a little as she realized that nothing hurt and she didn't feel any weakness or anything. Infact other then being slightly stiff from being immobile for such an extended amount of time, to Gabrielle's surprise she felt completely fine. Which she realized didn't make sense as she returned her attention to Xena.

Actually yes. But how? I was dying and could barely even move. I should've...

Gabrielle paused for a moment as she remembered what happened after she had fallen into her comatose state.

I did. Xena I died. Again. How am I here? I shouldn't...

Xena took Gabrielle's hand which stopped Gabrielle's confused rambling.

It's okay. It's a long story. I'll explain later. But first...

Smiling,  Xena turned to look at Ephiny who was wipping away her own happy tears from seeing Gabrielle return.

I think we have a rather important announcement to make.

Ephiny smiled.

I think you're right.

Not wasting another second Ephiny walked back outside and stood in front of the crowd that was still gathered and patiently waiting for Gabrielle's funeral to begin and addressed the village.

Attention everyone. Effective immediately as a result of the queen's actions, this funeral ceremony has officially been canceled.

Everyone in the crowd looked at Ephiny confused as they grumbled amongst themselves. A large amount of the women thinking that Xena had driven insane in her grief over losing Gabrielle. With many becoming concerned over what Xena might do, knowing what she was capable of doing when it came to her family. Having intentionally worded her announcement that way Ephiny chuckled to herself as she continued.

And now our queen would like to make a very important announcement regarding Gabrielle's status.

She stepped to the side as she could feel how tense everyone was and thought that announcing Gabrielle being alive this way might not of been the nicest thing to do but after seeing the quick look Xena gave her as she walked by, told Ephiny that at least one person appreciated her delivery method. Xena stepped forward as she looked at the crowd and then saw the funeral phyre that was burning behind everyone. With a serious look on her face Xena spoke.

Someone put that fire out. There will be no funeral held here today.

Everyone looked at Xena in shock. Again many believing that Xena had lost her mind as without another word Xena disappeared back into the village hall. There was an uncomfortable feeling in the air as after a moment Xena came back outside and stood in the doorway for a few seconds. Then she smiled and stepped aside as she revealed Gabrielle standing behind her. The crowd was stunned into complete momentary silence as they saw someone that they swore was dead standing before them now in seemingly perfect health. Gabrielle smiled as she spoke to everyone.

Yeah I'm pretty surprised too.

With those simple, lighthearted words the crowd exploded in cheers as the whole village celebrated Gabrielle's miraculous resurrection and recovery. Gabrielle felt Xena put her arm around her and pull her close as the two couldn't keep the large smiles from their faces.

(Joking) You know I've got this feeling that they might be happy to see me.

(Joking) Hmm and I've got a pretty good feeling that you're probably right.


"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now