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Xena moved. Spinning as she dodged Echidna who had attempted to attack her from behind. Xena had suspected that Echidna would attack her once given the opportunity. So she was already ready when the creature did. Once successfully getting out of the way Xena immediately swung her sword. The blade cut into Echidna's back who let out a painful yell, swiping at Xena as she turned. Xena ducked out of the way and swung her blade upwards as she stood straight again. Echidna followed up by bringing her clawed hand down as Xena raised her weapon over her head and blocked the strike. While holding back Echidna's claws Xena felt a hard shot to her side when the creature swung the end her tail around from behind her. The impact threw Xena to the ground but she was forced to recover quick when Echidna brought her claws down at her. Xena rolled, causing the creature to miss while Xena hastily got back to a vertical base ignoring the slight pain in her ribs from the hit she had taken. But she had no time to rest as Echidna swung her tail again. However this time Xena was ready for the trick as she moved back and when the appendage went by Xena yelled as she drove her blade down and sliced into Echidna's flesh. The monster yelped in pain and angerly swung at Xena who couldn't dodge in time and was sent backwards into the trunk of a tree. Hitting hard and sinking to the ground. Echidna growled as she looked at her wound and then at Xena who grimaced in pain.

(Angry tone) I'll make sure you pay for that Amazon.

With an angery yell Echidna lunged for Xena. She swiped her claws at Xena who dove out of the way and rolled before looking over her shoulder and seeing the long, deep marks that were now left behind in the trees thick trunk. Judging by the scar the strike left behind in a tree, Xena knew that an attack like that to her would do incredible damage. That was if it didn't out right kill her. Based on her apparent strength and speed it was no surprise to Xena that this monster had been able to claim so many lives without being stopped. Echidna was highly dangerous and deadly.

You won't escape me.

Who said I was trying to escape?

Then you must have a death wish.

Echidna sneered and went on the offensive once again. The creature swiped at Xena multiple times, who blocked and dodged the strikes as they came at her fast. Xena parried a swipe and took the opening to slice a deep gash into the creatures human-like side. Echidna yelled and swung at Xena as she backed away. Xena dodged and pressed forward to keep the creature off balance. She thrust her blade towards Echidna but was forced to stop and dodge another swipe of the monster's tail. As Xena did Echidna lunged forward. Fortunately Xena anticipated the attack and blocked. Xena kept an eye out for the creatures tail to come at her again next. And it did but not the way Xena had exspected when she felt the appendage wrap around her leg. Before Xena had the chance to get free, Echidna riped Xena's leg from under her and she was sent crashing to the dirt. The creature then continued her onslaught with a whip of her tail that sent Xena several feet away. Xena landed in some bushes and after taking a moment to regain her barings, began to crawl out of the shrubbery. Ignoring the scratches from the thorns Xena emerged from the plant and stood. She scowled as she looked around and didn't see Echidna. She listened closely to find where the monster had slithered off to, knowing that she couldn't have gotten far. Xena remained on alert as she looked around for the creature. She scanned the area but didn't see any signs of Echidna. As Xena slowly walked forward and passed by at tree she her keen hearing picked up on a creeking sound. Xena looked up and dove out of the way as Echidna lunged from the tree. Xena ducked and rolled before standing back up as she turned to face Echidna. As she did the creature shot forward at her. Xena moved and swung her sword, cutting the creature again. Echidna yelled in rage and pain. The creature knocked Xena away but Xena used the momentum to roll back and land on her feet. Letting out her battle cry Xena jumped at Echidna and swung her blade. Echidna used her flexible snake body to quickly dodge and whip her tail to knock Xena away again. Xena crashed to the ground hard. The impact causing her to drop her sword. She groaned and got to her hands and knees as she began to get up once again. Suddenly Xena found herself unable to breathe as she felt Echidna's tail wrap tightly around her neck. Xena clawed at the creatures tail, trying to pry it from her throat as she struggled for air. When she couldn't get free Xena attempted to reach for her sword that layed in front of her. But the weapon was too far. After a few moments Xena could feel her consciousness beginning to fade as she continued to struggle for freedom but remained unsuccessful. Then she remembered her chakrum. With everything beginning to become dark Xena reached down and took hold of her second weapon. She brought it up and was about to use it when Echidna knocked it from her hand and it rolled out of Xena's reach.

Nice try Amazon. But it's over for you.

Xena fought the darkness that threatened to claim her consciousness. But it was obvious that she was fighting a loosing battle as dispite how hard she struggled Xena's eyes closed and her body went limp as Echidna laughed.

Xena! I don't see any signs of her. Do you?

Naomi took another quick look around.

No. But we can't give up just yet. Come on they couldn't have gotten that much further.

Naomi and Iris continued their search for Xena.

Naomi can I ask you something?

I don't see why not.

Do you think the others will come around when it comes to Xena?

I hope so. But with the things Xena's done it's not gonna be easy.

The two walked in silence for a moment before Naomi spoke again.

You didn't know about Xena's past before Mia said something did you?

No. She and Gabrielle have lived in our village for well over a year and no one's ever heard anything about it.

It must feel like a pretty big betrayal.

(Sad tone) I guess it does.

Then why come looking for her?

I'm not sure. Maybe because I've only known this Xena. She's done so much for our people just in the time I've known her. Besides regardless of what she might've done  leaving her to the creature out here wouldn't be justice. Once this is over I'll have questions and we'll have to decide what to do about Xena being queen. But for now I still consider Xena to not only be my queen but also my friend. So I want to do anything I can to save her.

It's too bad the rest of the group can't seem to see it like that.

The two stopped when they heard a loud crash from up ahead.

Do you think it's that creature and Xena?

Let's hope so.

Naomi and Iris picked up the pace as they raced towards the sound.

And let's just hope when we do find them that we don't get there too late.


"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now