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Xena and Ephiny stood by Gabrielle's bed as both were momentarily stunned completely speechless by Gabrielle's announcement. Finally Ephiny was the first to snap out of her shocked state and spoke.

Did you just say you're picking Xena to take your place as queen?

(Weak tone) I'm sorry Ephiny. I thought you didn't want to be queen.

It's not that. I don't. I'm just surprised that you chose Xena is all.

(Weak tone) Why.

(Stern tone) Because it's a bad idea.

Gabrielle and Ephiny looked at Xena. Xena sighed as she realized that she had taken a much rougher tone then she intended to. The stress of everything was wearing on her and Gabrielle's decision had taken Xena completely off guard. Xena took Gabrielle's hand.

Sorry I didn't mean it like that, I just don't think you're thinking clearly right now. I think you should wait to make such a big decision like this.

Gabrielle looked at Ephiny.

(Weak tone) Ephiny could you give me and Xena a moment to talk?

Sure. Take your time. I'll be outside if you need anything.

Ephiny gave Xena a supportive squeeze on her shoulder as she walked by and left the room, shutting the door behind her. Now with only Gabrielle and herself in the room, Xena tried to sort through the multiple thoughts that were racing through her head. After a moment Gabrielle decided to start.

(Weak tone) Xena...

I won't do it.

(Weak tone) Xena...

(Stern tone) No.

Xena stood up and walked to the foot of the bed as she folded her arms across her chest and looked out the window, avoiding eye contact.

(Weak tone) Xena please. Just look at me.

Xena let out a defeated sigh and turned to face Gabrielle.

Gabrielle have you seriously thought through what you're doing?

(Weak tone) Do you really think I would make such a big decision like this on a whim.

You have been known to be impulsive at times.

(Weak tone) I'm serious Xena. I'm not the same girl that made those choices before thinking things through. I thought you saw that.

I know. I just.... Gabrielle I really don't think this is a good idea. Besides why plan for something that isn't going to happen.

Gabrielle held out her hand, gesturing for Xena to come to her. Reluctantly Xena walked back over to Gabrielle as she sat on the edge of the bed and took Gabrielle's hand.

(Weak tone) Xena I heard you and the healers talking. I already know I'm dying.

You are not going to die.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now