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Silence hung in the air as Willow sat against a tree. She shifted slightly to try and get more comfortable without her injuries hurting too much.

(Thinking to herself) I hope the others are okay and we're able to find Xena.

Willow sat silently for a while until she heard rustling in the nearby bushes. Fear began to set in as she grabbed her spear and used it to help her stand.

(Thinking to herself) Don't tell me that creature's here.

Knowing that she didn't stand a chance against the creature in her current condition, Willow moved behind the tree she had been learning against in the hopes that she wouldn't be noticed. The sound came closer and Willow gripped her spear tightly as she did her best to control her panicked breathing so she wouldn't be heard. She wondered if it would be possible for her to sneak away without being noticed before the creature showed itself. It was risky but Willow didn't see any better options. So after making up her mind to try escaping, she slowly began backing away. Making sure not to make too much noise. The noise continued to come closer and Willow realized that she was never going to be able to move fast enough to get away and decided to try hiding it the bushes. After settling down she peeked through just as a figure pushed through the foliage opposite of her. She let out the breath she'd been holding as she saw two more figures follow the first into the clearing.

Way to scare someone half to death. I thought you were that creature.

Willow stepped out from her hiding place and walked into the clearing as Naomi, Iris and Xena spotted her.

Good to see you back up and about Willow.

Well I certainly wasn't just going to sit here and let myself be attacked again. Which reminds me, how did you escape from that thing anyway?

We don't have time to explain. Where are all the others?

Aria, Mia and Amelia refused to come save you and went off on their own.

Xena sighed.

(Sarcasm) Great.
We're gonna have to find either them or Echidna before they find each other. Otherwise that monsters gonna claim three more victims.

Wait who's Echidna?

The creature.

Okay. But anyway you managed to survive so maybe they will too.

No, they can't.

Willow was about to ask Xena how she could be so sure of that but was cut off when the four women heard loud screams in the distance.

Shit it sounds like she's already found them.

Then we better hurry.

Iris stay with Willow and help her walk. Naomi and myself will go ahead and try and reach the others. Hopefully before it's too late.

With that Xena and Naomi hurried off as Iris and Willow followed.

Are you gonna be okay when we find that thing? You look like you took a pretty good beating the last time.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now