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It was a few weeks worth of travel for Xena, Willow and Iris as they ventured to the set rondevue point given to Xena in the letter. For the most part the small group traveled in silence. With Xena not really much of a talker around most people and Iris being more of the quiet and shy type, Willow dispite being a more free spirited one of the three, didn't really have much luck in keeping any sort of lively conversation going. So the small group primarily each kept to themselves during the trip. But Willow and Iris understood that Xena had far more than their current mission on her mind so neither pushed her to talk or anything.

We should be there tomorrow.

Good. I can't wait to see what just what we're up against.

Xena looked up from her sword that she was sharpening as she shot Willow a disapproving glare from across the campfire that the three sat around.

(Slightly Irritated tone) This isn't some kind of game. People are being kidnapped and killed.

Willow looked down.

I know that. I didn't mean...

It's okay Willow. We know you mean well.

Willow gave Iris a small smile. Xena sighed knowing that was unnecessary harsh to Willow.

Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I just need you to know that this is dangerous and needs to be taken seriously.

I know and I do.


Xena returned to silently sharpening her blade as Iris and Willow sat quietly watching her. Both knowing that their mission was far from the only reason for Xena's less than patient attitude. They were fully aware that what Xena wanted most was to be back home with Gabrielle. And being away from Gabrielle when she knew that their time together was running short was weighing heavily on Xena's heart. So to say that Xena wasn't in the greatest of moods would be a massive understatement. The three sat without speaking for a bit until Iris thought of something to break the tense silence.

Why don't I get started on dinner for us.

Good idea, I'll give you a hand.

The two stood as they began making the groups meal. Meanwhile Xena just sat there focusing on her sword. She had always found that simple tasks such as sharpening her sword or any other basic, repetitive activity helped to clear her mind. It was almost soothing to her. Xena was so preoccupied with her task she hadn't heard Iris call her. Finally Xena was brought back to reality when she saw a bowl of food get shoved in front of her. She looked up to see Willow standing there holding two bowls.

You should eat some, I don't mean to brag but I'm a pretty good cook.


Xena took the bowl as she put down her sword and sharpening stone. Xena, Willow and Iris ate.

I know you're worried about Gabrielle and you're being queen now and everything, but I'm sure things will work out the way they should Xena. Whatever the future holds I'm sure you can get through it.

Xena managed a small smile.

I appreciate that.

The three finished dinner and went to bed. Though Xena had been having a difficult time getting to sleep since they left. She was so accustomed to having Gabrielle beside her, Xena wondered how she would ever get used to her not being there. Eventually Xena did manage to drift off to sleep.

I think we're getting close.

Xena haulted Argo and got down from the saddle as Willow and Iris did the same with their own horses. Xena walked ahead slowly as she grabbed Argo's reigns and lead the mare behind her while the others followed.

Are you sure this is where we're supposed to meet up?

Xena looked around at their wooded surroundings as they continued walking.

Pretty sure. This area does look vaguely familiar so I think we're at least in the general area of where we should be.

The three cautiously walked as they looked for the Amazon they were supposed to meet. After a bit when Xena didn't see any one else around she wondered if Amalia, the Amazon she was supposed to meet had been killed by the mysterious creatures that they had come to help save these Amazon's from. After a little more looking Xena suddenly heard a noise and instantly drew her sword as she turned towards where the sound had come from. Following Xena's lead Iris and Willow drew their weapons as well. Willow having a spear and Iris a one handed sword. As all three stood ready to fight whatever might come at them they heard a voice coming from nearby.

Why do you trespass here? Outsiders are not welcome. I suggest you leave while you can. This whole area is highly dangerous. Especially for those who aren't from around here.

Xena looked around but couldn't see where whoever was speaking was hiding.

My name is Xena, Amazon queen. I received a letter that the women here needed help from something that's been killing the Amazon's in this area.

Is that so?

The voice then went silent as Xena and the others stood waiting for anything. After a moment several figures dropped from the tree's surrounding them. The shadows of the forest made it so Xena couldn't tell just who was surrounding them as the silhouettes made it so they appeared to be brandishing weapons. Now Xena was even more unsure of who they were facing. Were these the Amazon's that they were there to save? Or had Xena and the others inadvertently stumbled upon whatever had been taking and killing the locals. And now had their sights set on Xena, Willow and Iris. Could the small group fight an unknown threat? Or was Xena's reign as queen about to come to a hastiy and abrupt end?


"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now