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Naomi pushed down some branches of a tree as she and Xena looked ahead for any signs of the creature.

(Whisper) Not seeing any signs that it's been here. You?

(Whisper) No.

Both Xena and Naomi stood from their crouched positions as Naomi waved for the others to come over. With Iris and Amelia helping the injured Willow walk.

We've been looking for this thing since dawn Naomi. It might be a good idea to take a break.

Aria motioned to Willow.

I don't know. I don't really like the idea of sitting out in the open like this. Especially with an injured woman on our hands now.

Actually I think it's probably a better idea to stop for a bit. If we don't let Willow rest it'll be even more difficult to escape that thing and she's too weak or tired.

(Angry tone) No one asked you murderer.

Naomi was about to say something in Xena's defense but Xena stopped her.

Fine I guess we can stop for a bit. I'm not seeing anything around here anyway. Okay people we're talking a short break but be ready to move out soon.

Everyone moved into the small clearing as Iris and Amelia set Willow down against a tree.

I apologize for Aria.

No need. I understand all of their mistrust of me.

I suppose. Though it's not as though you've done anything since you've come here. Infact you've gone out of your way to protect everyone here. Doesn't seem right to judge you solely based on things that most of them up until last night weren't even aware of

Xena smiled sadly.

You sound like Gabrielle. She's always saying things like that in my defense.

Sounds like she must be a smart woman.

Amung other things.

Well for what it's worth I'm sorry that you have to be here while she's back in your village. I hope you're able to get back home to see her before... well you know.

Even though Xena had filled her in on Gabrielle's condition, Naomi was careful with her wording. When Xena spoke about Gabrielle, Naomi could tell how important she was to Xena. So she tried her best to be careful when bringing up the sensitive subject matter of Gabrielle's death. Which she had apparently failed to do as she saw Xena lose her small smile.

Thanks I hope so too.

Sorry I probably shouldn't have brought that up. That was insensitive of me.

No it's fine. I appreciate the concern.

Xena managed a small, thankful smile. The conversation was broken up when they heard Amelia calling for Naomi.

Naomi, I think we might have trouble.

Both Xena and Naomi turned to face Amelia who hurried over to them.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now