Chapter one: Sumeru trip

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3rd person POV:

Scaramouche was sleeping while hugging is arana pillow. He was dreaming about how the first day of secondary 4 in Snezhnaya with his friends. The indigo boy was sweating. Mostly because of the heat of Sumer, but also because he was scared his friends might have forgotten him (he's Emo, it's not his fault.).

He woke up in panic, just after his dearest friend, Columbia, hit him in the face. Scaramouche was feeling really bad for not texting them for all summer break, but he was for the most of his vacation in the aranara forest, were Wifi don't exist. Literally. He left his bed to go get some water.

The young boy walked carefully to not wake up his aunt, who was sleeping the door in front of his. Little did he knew, she was waiting for him downstairs. Scaramouche saw her and almost had a panic attack.

- Auntie Nahida! Don't scare me like that! He yelled, putting an hand on his chest, close to his heart.
- What are you doing downstairs at 5 am? She asked, a smirk appearing on her face as she started giggling.
- I could ask you the same question... Scaramouche mumble while getting water.
- Kunikuzushi, don't worry, there is no way that your friends have forgotten you, alright? Don't stress over stupid thoughts like that.
- How in the hell did you-... ahhhhhh just forget it...
-Kuni, hon, you know how much I care about you? Seeing you like that breaks my heart. Nahida whispered, not smiling anymore.
- You care about me more than Mother, that's for sure... He replied under is breath
- Don't say that! Ei loves you, she just don't know how to express it!
- Whatever...
- Now now, go back to sleep. Tomorrow Yae's is going to bring you back to Snezhnaya and you'll see your friends again!
- Nahida... I'm... very gr- gratefull for what you did for me- eum... I'll mi- miss you... scaramouche said, embarrassed.
-Awwww, I'll miss you too nephew! Now, sweet dreams, tomorrow you have 20 hours of car ahead of you!

Kunikuzushi watched her go upstairs and closing the door of her room before he sighed. "How am I supposed to sleep now..."
He took his phone and decided to text the group chat for the first time in 2 months.


Mother issues: Hey.

🦶Simp🦶went online
Angel went online
Ashes went online
Money 💰 went online
Dottorhoe went online
Maidwannabe went online
lesbian went online
Captain 🖕went online
No-son went online
Big nose 👺 went online

Ashes: OMG, scarapussy?!
Mother issues: call me that again and I'm leaving.
🦶Simp🦶: Scaraaaaaaa! Y didn't u texted us all summer 😭?!
Dottorhoe: Who tf renamed me that shit?!
Money 💰: pft-
Maidwannabe: Spyll tha teai systar
Big nose 👺: Is that an insult to the British in Fontaine?
lesbian: Nah, you think?!
Captain 🖕: can y'all stfu and let him explain?
🦶Simp🦶: Make me shut up daddy 🥵!
Ashes: CHILDE WTF?! 💀

Mother issues as gone offline

No-son: nooooooo Scaramouchie come back!
🦶Simp🦶: cum*
Maidwannabe: stfu Cum-rat
🦶Simp🦶: hey!
Angel: Scara, bestie, pls come back?

Mother issues went online

Ashes: Now, that is favoritism!
Mother issues: Shes my best friend , you are not.
Ashes: Stfu kiddo!
Money 💰: isn't he older than you-
lesbian: can y'all shut your big ass mouth and let him explain (not you Colum though)
🦶Simp🦶: simp.
No-son: look at yourself
Maidwannabe: So Scara, y didn't u text?
Mother issues: I spended summer at my aunt place and the wifi is shit.
Dottorhoe: the one that looks like a kid? 
Angel: Makoto or Nahida?
Big nose 👺: how do u know their name?
Angel: Scara introduced me too then in a call like 3 months ago!
Ashes: favoritism-
Money 💰: Rosalyn stfu
Mother issues: we were mostly in the aranara forest so I didn't had my phone.
No-son: aranara forest?! Were on Teyvat are you?!
Mother issues:... in Sumeru?
Maidwannabe: WHAT?! That's like 20 hours away from here!
Mother issues: I love to spend time with my aunt ok?!
Dottorhoe: What-

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