Chapter 8: So... you li- 'love' me?

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Scaramouche POV:

Right now I could only think 2 things. Me and Kazuha were still kissing and WHY DID I DO THAT. No but like seriously why did I do that. WHY DID I FUCKING DO THAT!? My thought were interrupted as me and the sweet lips boy fell on the ground. Oh shit... he probably didn't expect that, and because my feet hurts so much I just trowed myself on him. I was so embarrassed when we feel, I tried getting up but strong arms pulled me back. HUH. I looked up to see kazuha pining both of my arms next to my face that went from red to extremely red.(author note: don't get your hopes up this isn't smut neither is it going to be a make out session.)

Then something I never thought would happen happened. He kissed me. ON THE LIPS! OMG ONSHSJANNXBXHSHZNXNHXHXJSIZMZM,SLS?! My face that was extremely red became incredibly red as I kissed him back. It was a passionate kiss, and clearly not the kind that I would have imagined kazuha would do! He licked my bottom lips, asking for permission inside my mouth but I couldn't go farther, I never did things like this before and I needed air so I turned my head on the side, gasping for air as if I didn't breath since hours.

-Sorry Kuni! Did I go too far?

-Ah... uh, n-no don't worry I started *ahn* it anyways, I... just wanted to tell you that I liked... you since your first album was released, that- that's why all my friends, and family tease me about you... so I just wanted to ask you... COULDYOUPLEASEBEMYBOYFRIENDIFTHATOK!

-I would love to, but Scara... im an Idol... I can't have a relationship with a fan! He replied with sad eyes

-Can't we just... keep it a secret then? Please...

-You know what, come closer.

I was already really close to him but I sat a bit closer. He then took me by the hips and placed me on his laps, my face that was now more normal instantly came back to red.


I was cut off by kazuha kissing me again! I was so happy but at the same time, i didn't want his career to be ruined because of me. He then moved from my lips and started giving me small kisses everywhere on my face.

-Haha- KazHahaha! Stop! IT- HAHAHA IT TICKLES!

-I love you Scaramouche. I really do, so if you're ok with me, could I ask you to be your boyfriend?

-HUH?! You're seriously asking me!? OF COURSE ILL BE YOUR BOYFRIEND STUPID!

-Heh... so adorable...

-Huh? What did you say?

-Hahaha don't worry about it...


I'm just kidding!

Kazuha POV:

After both of us confessed, we got up, just for the pretty indigo haired boy to fall once again.

-AH! I-IM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT! My shoes made my feet hurt... and I can't w-walk very well...

-that's not a problem! I'll just give you a piggy ride!


I interrupted him by putting both of his tights between my arms and my torso. (guys I don't know my body parts...)
He became red apple right away saying unintelligent words, trying to get off my back.

-Kuni, if you move that much, my arms are going to have bruise.

He immediately stoped moving and to stay still he putted his arms around my neck. It was easy to lift someone like Scaramouche, to be honest, Venti was probably heavier than him, and that seems impossible. His tights are so soft... I want to squish them. WHAT AM I THINKING!?

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