Wanna try something, kuni?⚠️ (🎉🎊👏 3k read special👏🎊🎉)

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(I can't stop laughing at the picture... Ducky I'm sorry but this is us on discord- 😭😭😭😭😭)

A/n: Before I start writing this smut, I wanted to thank my friend for the shoutout she gave me! Your such a queen, like TYSM your literally the best! I tried my best just for you, it took long because I restarted cause I didn't feel like it was good enough ducky! With that said, still tysm Scaramoucheisgay   

Scaramouche POV:

Zhongli?! Oh hell no. I'm not in the mood to meet up with an archon nor my uncle NOR childe's boyfriend. I'm sure I can make an excuse to get out of the situation. I wanted to tell Kazuha that I was feeling sick and that I'd be at the jade chamber but he looked so... impatient. Like if he really wanted to meet 'Zhongli'. Why? Was it because this girl said he was her friend? Suddenly something strange happened in my chest, it was like if I just got punch in the ribs, no one punched me thought? What was this mysterious emotion? I couldn't analyze it, that made me angry.

As the two of them were talking, I noticed that Hu Tao went a bit closer to kazuha and whispering something in his ear. I'm going to commit a murder. My eyes went dark as I saw small blush cover my wandering partner's face. I had enough. I took kazuha's arm, ran to an alley, making sure Hu Tao was out of sight.

-Kuni?! Why did you do that! Me and Hu Tao we-

-I DON'T CARE! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! I screamed, sounding more desperate than I'd like to admit, as I pinned him to the wall.

Kazuha's face turned bright red as he started to smirk.

-My... Say kuni, are you perhaps jealous of Hu Tao~?

My eyes widen. No shot! Why would I even be jealous of Hu Tao! It's not like we were dating and all... even though I wouldn't mind so but- WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING!?

-W-what?! Stop saying nonsense, like I'd ever fall for you!

-You know Kuni, jealousy can also be for friends... and you assumed that I was talking about romance? My... might the 6th harbinger developed feelings for me?

My face flushed red as I stopped pinning him, looking away, too embarrassed to speak. He grabbed my chin and smiled gently before giving me a quick peak on the lips. He turned red and so did I. Just then, we noticed that Hu Tao was watching us, smirking with her hand in front of her mouth. My cheek turned one hundred times more red and so did kazuha's.

-well... I was yelling 'guys!' all over the place... maybe I would have found y'all sooner if I had yelled 'gays'...

-Nicely... get lost. I glared at her

-Welllll... looks like you two won't be meeting mister Zhongli after all... have fun!

-T-thanks Tao!

Hu Tao just smiled at her friend before teleporting who knows where. An embarrassing silence had took place between me and Kazuha. To be honest, it was cute how he acted all smug but when he kissed me he instantly became embarrassed... maybe I should tease him a bit... I will definitely tease him. I approached Kazuha, grabbing his hand and placing it on him inner thigh, clinging into him. I swear he looked like a tomato, it was funny.

-What? You don't like what your touching Zuzu~?

His nose started bleeding and I got worried. What did I do for him to be hurt?! His nose didn't stop bleeding and he didn't answer me when I called his name! Did he zone out?! Hugh...

Kazuha POV:

Oh my fucking archon. Oh my fucking archon. Oh my fucking archon. Oh my fucking archon. Oh my fucking archon. What the actual mother fucker is happening right now?! Kuni looked so fucking... hot? Beautiful? Cute? Sexy? All of the above? Yeah. I felt my nose bleed but I couldn't care less. I continue to admire the harbinger like my life depends on it. Suddenly, as he was talking, his... dick rubbed on mine and I lost my mind. He seemed to have noticed what he did because he smirked and did it again. I groaned breathlessly as he continued. What a touch starved puppet.

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