Chapter 12: thus this is goodbye...

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3rd person POV:

Scaramouche haven't left his bed since yesterday. He was tired, sad and he wanted to kill himself for what he did. His eyes weren't even able to make tears anymore, so all of his pain, all of it, had to stay inside. He finished by passing out from exhaustion, in a call with Xiao who was playing a little tune one his violon.

Kazuha wasn't much better. He cried a lot in Heizou's arms, sad and angry. He loved Kunikuzushi dearly and he just lost any chance to be with him. What hurted the most was the fact that he knew Kuni still loved him.

When Jean heard about the situation, she decided to place the interview the next day. Kazuha still had about 20 hours to find an explanation. 'Just tell them that I forced you to kiss me...' The words that his ex-lover had told him repeated nonstop in his head, wondering how he could even think that kazuha would do such a thing.
A knock was heard on Scaramouche's door. He let a lazy 'comin...' before going back on his bed. He was surprised to see that it was Childe. Out of all the harbinger, he was the one that he expected the least. They had a good friendship but Scaramouche was 99% sure childe would just mock him.

-Hey comrade...

-what do you want...

-To check on you. You haven't texted any of us and we all know you just ended a relationship with someone you still love!

-it's not that easy Childe... he said while sitting up

Ajax looked at his friend before going closer to him, trying to hug him. This wasn't an hug at this point. He was just wrapping his arms around the air, not touching Kuni because he thought he'd push him away. Most to his surprise, the indigo one came closer and himself gave a hug to the ginger. He slowly started crying in the taller's shirt, while Childe just patted his head.

-shhhhhh... it's ok Scara...

-It's not... Childe... I messed up...

-Just text him...?

-I can't... his career is in danger...

Childe hugged him tighter and stroke his hair. Scaramouche relaxed and slowly feel asleep. Childe just smiled sweetly before humming a lullaby from his mother, in Russian. The two boys were now asleep on Scaramouche's bed, feeling better.

Venti POV:

-Kazuha, please. Let me in...

-kazuha, I just want to help you, please let me in.

The door opened a little, kazuha falling into my arms, looking exhausted. I sighed and got him back on bed. He looked sadder than ever, which was understandable but still. Small tears where in the corner of his eyes. I noticed that he had finished to write his explanation letter for the interview tomorrow.

-Hey... are you nervous?

-mhm... I just want Kuni back right now...

I smiled at him, before caressing his red streak. He was always there for us when we needed it, so me, Heizou and Aether decided to pay him back at the interview. I... no. We couldn't stand to see kazuha like this any longer. This was going to end tomorrow. I felt a soft breathing on my arm, making me notice that kazuha most likely feel asleep.




Kazuha POV:

Today was the big day. I didn't care for anything right now. All that mattered was that I could tell the entire world how I felt. How I felt for Kuni. I loved him so much. I was willing to scream it from rooftops. I love my Kuni.

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