Chapter two: Home

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3rd person POV:
When Scaramouche woke up, he was in his bed. "Yae must have got me here..." he got at the 4th floor were is moms bedroom was.

-Yae, were is my mother? He asked as he opened the fox room door.
-You know, you can call me mom right!? She yelled, not really offended, but still hurt 😞
-mOM, wERE iS my MOtHEr? He replied, sarcastically
-Your such a brat... She needed to go to Inazuma for a buisness trip, but she wrote you a letter.
-Were is it?
-In your drawer were you put your sketchbook.
-... thank you mom... he mumbled with a slight smile.
- Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, my heart-
- I'm in my room if your looking for me.
- Alrighty!

Just like that Scaramouche ran to his room and opened is first drawer. In it he funded the letter next to his art supplies.
The young boy took it in his hand before opening it.

Dear Kunikuzushi,
I am sorry i wasn't there for your return. Your sister, shogun, needed help for a business party were she will officially be the ruler of Inazuma. I also got there to see if Makoto got any better. She wrote me and told me to tell you that she loves you. Shogun is really excited as you can imagine, so she told me and Miko that when the ceremony will end, she will come back to Snezhnaya with me so that she can see her baby brother. I miss you very much and I hope your doing well.

Love you,

"Huh... a ceremony... right." Scaramouche read and reread the last part at least 6 times. 'Love you, mom'. Those are simple words that all, or almost all, mothers told their kids. He felt special when his mom wrote him these kinds word. But he would always have hoped that she told him face to face. In fact, Ei never told, either Scaramouche or Shogun that she loved them. She wrote it a lot, so for Shogun, who lived kilomètres away, it wasn't that bad. But sometimes, the boy would have loved his mother telling him that she loved him while hugging him.
He took his phone and texted his sister. The two of them almost never wrote to each other but they both knew that they loved each other.

Kunibaby: hey shogun, I just wanted to tell you congratulations! I am sure you'll make a amazing ruler for Inazuma. You don't have to come visit Snezhnaya, dw, I know Ei forced you. Love you, and good luck.

#1sister: Baby brother! Thank you very much for the kind words that you just wrote me!

Kunibaby: I'll delete them

#1sister: I'll screenshot them

Kunibaby: Fuck you

#1sister: I'll go to Snezhnaya, dw, I can't wait to see Mom again!

Kunibaby: Yae?

#1sister: yes! Anyways, I still don't get it, why do u call mother 'Ei'?

Kunibaby: Cause it's her name, duh?

#1sister: most kids call their parents 'mom' and 'dad'

Kunibaby: we don't have a dad

#1sister: that's not the point

Kunibaby: what's the point?

#1sister:... how is school going?

Kunibaby: I'm starting it tomorrow

#1sister: haha imagine going to school

Kunibaby: haha imagine being a hoe

1#sister: stfu stupid bitch?!

Kunibaby: your the bitch here!

#1sister changed Kunibaby name to bitchy

Bitchy changed #1sister name to hoe


Bitchy: pft-

Hoe: oh they are calling me I need to go sorry bro!

Bitchy: good luck.

Hoe: byeeeeeeeeeeee

Bitchy: cia...

Kunikuzushi close his app and go to Spotify. He get up and cherche for his AirPods in his drawer. The indigo hair boy put a playlist of all the albums of 5wirl and start drawing something. Or more, someone. In facts, Scara is drawing Kazuha and the rest of the band on their first album. 'God he looks so perfect...' he thought to himself, blush appearing on his cheeks.

-KUNIKUZUSHIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Yae miko yelled from the kitchen.
-WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! he replied pulling one of is AirPods off.
Time skip after dinner cuz I'm lazy af

Scaramouche POV:

After dinner, Yae got on a call with 'an important business partner', I know for sure that it was her best friend (guess who 😏). I just got to my room while humming some random song from 5wirl that went in my mind. After that, i texted a good friend of mine, Albedo. He wasn't in the group 'harbingers' but we've been friends since childhood, due to his adoptive mother knowing mine.

Scar: Yo, hyd?

Sexy blond bitch: Yo scara, I'm doing fine, wbu?

Scar: good ig.

Sexy blond bitch: Y did u text?

Scar: am I not aloud to text my childhood  friend?

Sexy blond bitch: 🖕

Scar: 🖕

Sexy blond bitch: you'll never guess what!

Scar: what?

Sexy blond bitch: your mom- I'm joking, anyways, u like 5iwrl right?

Scar: yea, Y?

Sexy blond bitch: their last manager got fired cuz he didn't do a good job so now they are looking for a new manager

Scar: what do u want to tell me albedough

Sexy blond bitch: Alice (his mom for the no lore enjoyers) proposed me to be their manager

Scar: HUH?!

Sexy blond bitch: I did the interview and I'm accepted

Scar: aren't u like 16?

Sexy blond bitch: EURM EXUSE ME IM 19?!

Scar: ah. Congrats 🎉

Sexy blond bitch: fu

Scar: fuck urself

Sexy blond bitch: stfu

Scar went offline
Sexy blond bitch went offline

'Bruh... it's always so difficult to talk to albedo...' I thought to myself. Anyways it's getting late and I have school tomorrow so I better go to sleep. But I could draw just one other background before...

3 hours later...



uhhhh, I doooooon't wanna go to schooooooool....


Hi Hi! I just finished the chapter 2 of this AMAZING (bad) fan fiction. Hope y'all have a wonderful day and if u don't understand something bout the story feel free to ask it in the comments, cause I don't know how to write!

On this, have a swell day and sweets dreams!


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