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(Don't question the photo 🥰🌸👍 )

This chapter is a one shot, so it doesn't have any sense with the rest of the story! Thanks 🙏 (not in modern AU btw :P)

3rd person POV:

The balladeer was a killer. It was his job as the 6th harbinger, everyone that the Tsarisa told him to kill were 6 feet underground at this moment. He was a blood hungry puppet who loved to see others suffer, as long as they deserved it of course. At this moment, the short harbinger was cleaning his face with some water next to his latest victim. 'Hugh... there's blood everywhere...' he thought as he took of his hat and started washing his beautiful indigo hairs, who had red substance all over them.

-heya comrade, look like you made a mess as always~

-The only mess you ever make is in bed with your archon boyfriend so shut up ginger.

-What's with the cold treatment Scara~! You know we are collègues...

Scaramouche rolled his eyes and started to cringe at the taller boy. He putted his hat back on, before giving a dead glare to Childe/ Ajax/ Tartagilia...

-Why are you here? I bet my hand it wasn't just to chitchat, so just say it.

The ginger took a long breath, slightly annoyed by the shorter's comportement before replying to his partner.

-well, you see, the Tsarine made me find you to tell you that your little trip at Inazuma isn't done yet!

-the fuck do you mean? I already distributed the delusions on Watatsumi island like I was supposed to!

The 11th harbinger let a breathless laugh before continuing.

-We need assistance with killing another vision holder, that, bingo~ lives in Inazuma!

-can't it be someone else? Sighed Scaramouche

-Im not sure you'd like to refuse that offer Scara~

Scaramouche rolled his eyes once again, going closer to the ginger and slapping him hard, which, unsurprisingly only made Tartagilia smile before giggling a bit.

-Who will it be this time?

-A boy named kazuha, you'll tell him apart easily. He as platinum blond hairs and crimson red eyes. He is an Anemo vision holder and is friend with Lumine, you know, the traveler I was supposed to kill?

-You did fail miserably at that 'child's' task... he snorted

-Whoah... Scara making jokes? Never thought I'd see the day, the ginger sighed.

The 11th left as soon as he arrived, saying farewell to his comrade, Scaramouche only rolling his eyes and saying 'fuck you' in return. Scaramouche wondered were even could he find that kazuha dude, and mostly, why would they ask the 6th harbinger to kill him? Was he such a threat that the lowest rank would have been seriously injured or even killed by him? 'This is stupid' thought the harbinger. He teleported to Inazuma main city, changing his apparence. He was now wearing a yukuta, his short indigo hairs in a little braid and his eyes changed their colours from purple to green. With this, he hoped no one would recognize him. The puppet went into some shops, asking people if they knew where this 'kazuha' dude was hiding. When he went to the Tenryou (this cannot be the correct way to spell that) commission, general Sara, the biggest fan of his, what some might call 'mother', told him that the guy was a criminal that always left without traces.

Frustrated because of his lack of progress, Scaramouche sat on a bench, drinking the bitter tea he had ordered at the tea shop. 'Sigh... I really don't feel like finding some random criminal right nowwww...' he mumbled to himself. After he finished, he got up and started exploring the farthest island from Inazuma's city. It took him some time to get trough the mist, but his electro delusions made the puzzle 100 times easier. Sadly, no trace of the Anemo boy were on the island. He then moved to Serai Island, almost running into an adventures gilde, not that it would have mattered. Still nothing.

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