Chapter 10: Chapter twelve ⚠️

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(About the title... if you know, you know. If you don't then... YOU JUST SKIPPED ALL THE CHAPTERS TO READ THE SMUT U HORNY BITCH-)

(Anyways, enjoy :) 👏🎉🤩🌸🌸✨🫡🏳️‍🌈😻😻)

3rd person POV:

It's been approximately 2 minutes since the daughter of the Raiden family spoke and since then, the silence was awfully heavy, mostly for Kazuha. Scaramouche and his sister were now making intense eye contacts as Yae let out a brief laugh. Ei just sighed before breaking the tension (slay)

-Shogun, remember we're only here for dinner, we have to-

-Yeah yeah I know, me, you and mom have to go meet the archons...

-So, eummm, I'm going to go make dinner, respond Yae Miko, scared of Ei's cooking 'skills'

Scaramouche didn't say anything and just grabbed Kazuha by the arm before leading him to his room. Shogun looked pissed and her mom let out a small giggle before asking her and Ei to put cover on the table.



Kazuha and Scaramouche finally got upstairs and went on the shorter ones bed. There was tension between the two boys. The white haired boy was kinda worried and his boyfriend, was really embarrassed about his sister.

-So... eum-

-About... -

-Oh sorry, you can talk first!

-No no! It's ok! What did you had in mind scar?

-Listen, I'm sorry about my sister, she isn't always like that, let's just say... she's kinda overprotective...?

-Oh, don't worry, it's fine. What could I do to make her trust me?

-Eummm... well, be kind to her and talk to her about dango milk I guess?

-I'll keep that in mind!

The boyfriends started chuckling and got closer to one each other. Soon enough, they were in the bed cuddling while Scara was on his phone, gently stroking his lovers hair. Kazuha almost sounded like he was purring because he craved his boyfriend touch so much. The idol hugged him tighter and muzzled his face into the others neck, leaving small kisses here and there.

Without noticing, he started kissing Scaramouche's sweet spot, which as a result, made the boy whimper. Kazuha quickly looked up to his boyfriend in the eyes before smiling innocently. Kuni was clearly embarrassed, trying to stay away from his lovers gaze, failing miserably. Kazuha continued to kiss that spot, this time a bit rougher, trying his best to hear another of these sweet noises from Scara. His plan was working very well as small groans and whimpers came out of Kunikuzushi's mouth. Kazuha started biting and lick the others neck, making him shiver and letting out an averagely loud moan.

-K-Kazu... we need to stop-...hng...! Di-...! Dinner is ready soon~...


-Yes l-love?

-Can we go farther tonight? Only if your ok with it of cou-

-Yes! Yes please...!

Kazuha laughed at his love answer before stopping to kiss his neck, making Scaramouche sad and relieved at the same time. They head downstairs only to see Shogun and Ei at the table with each a slap on the face. "That's Yae's work... when they try to enter the kitchen she slaps them" whispered Kunikuzushi in his lover's hear, making both of them giggle lightly.

However their small laugh quickly ends when they meet the two women gaze. They stay silent before sitting next to each other, Scara facing his sister as Kazuha was in front of his 'mother-in-law' (😂😂😂😂😂😰). Yae Miko soon arrived with shimi chazuke, Kunikuzushi's favorite dish. They all thanked her warmly before starting eating, clearly enjoying the food.

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