Chapter 3: first day

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Scaramouche POV:

I woke up to my alarm, feeling really bad. I hate school so much. It's not cause I have bad grade, quit the opposite actually I have amazing grades but I just don't like to be around to many people at once. In fact I'm kinda anti social with new peoples. I really only speak with 'the harbingers' and Albedo. I got out of bed and took my school uniform. To be honest, no one wears the school uniform the intended way. So as I did last year, I putted the shirt and the pants before adding an oversized hoodie and some accessories like chaînes and bracelets. I go downstairs to get my school bag where I put my art supplies and school materials. 'Omg this is sooooooo heavyyyyyy' I thought to myself. Before I got out of the house, a pink fox lady stopped me.

- Kuni, darling remember when we talked to you bout ur 2 uncles?

- Huh? Ei only told me about Venti, and to be honest he's pretty cool. I never knew I had a second uncle. What's his name?

- Do you know about... the Morax factory?

- Well obviously, everyone knows bout that factory! Isn't the CEO the father of one of the 5swirl member?

- Exactly, it's about that... Morax, is also known as Zhongli and... he's your uncle.

-... Exuse me, WHAT?!

- Eurm, I know it's probably a shock, but his son, Xiao, is kinda... your cousin?

-... And you never thought to tell me, I don't know... BEFORE?!

- Omg, we'll talk bout this later, now go to school or you'll be late

-Fiiiiiiiine, bye Yae.


Columbia POV:

Me and Arlecchino were going to school when something caught my attention. Some girls of our class from last year were discussing about the fact that 5wirl were going to attend to our school this year.

- it's probably a false information colum, don't get to exited.

- but babeeeeee! What if it's true?! Do u realise?! We could make our ship of kazuscara come true!

- Wtf is that? Said a voice behind me.

- Omg! Scarabotion! Long time no see! Are u alright? You look a little pale... screamed Signora, coming out of nowhere.

- Call me that again. I DARE YOU. He replied, clearly pissed.

- kunizushi, she's right, you look sick. What's wrong? I said, worried

-... you know, eummmm, the group of idol 5wirl...?

- yea, the one with your boyyyyyyyfriend!

-HES NOT MY BOY- just forget it... y'all know the one that looks Emo af...

- Xiao? Yea why? Arlecchino asked.

-...he's my cousin... he said under his breath

- talk louder scar, we didn't cap shit! Signora yelled (as always)


- Your... WHAT?! I yelled back at him

- Yae and I had a conversation this morning and somehow, Zhongli and Ei are realated...

- THATS PERFECT! Me and Signora yelled at the same time.

-huh?! Why? He said looking at us confused.

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