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A/n: this is the second part of the 1k read special, so same AU, don't come at me please (U-uwu 👉🏼👈🏼🥺 (OMFG I CAN'T- 😭😭😭💀))
Kazuha POV:

-What did you just called me? His pretty eyes widen as he spoke in a low voice

-Balladeer? I mean, this disguise really didn't fool me... Nor should it fool anyone.

-You are... Kaedehara Kazuha.

I chuckled. His reaction were, for the least to say, pretty entertaining. I wasn't surprised in the slightest that the balladeer came to find me. After all, the wind told me that he'd come one day or another. I had to give a compliment to the electro archon. Making this puppet probably was her only good decision. The 6th looked humain, but not really. He looked a bit to perfect for that.

-I indeed am. Why are you chitchatting with me though? The wind told me that your partner ordered you to kill me.

He let out a breathless sigh before coming closer to me, looking a bit annoyed.

-Don't call that bitch my partner. If he wasn't in the fatui, I've would had already killed him.

I laughed a bit and looked into his gorgeous indigo eyes.

-Agressive, are we? Now, didn't you wanted to spar?

His eyes looked sad as he went closer to me, slowly raising his hand, making me flinch. Most to my surprise, he grabbed the red streak in my hair and looked at it, slowly playing with it. I just stared and slowly relaxed into the weird feeling it provided me. When our eyes meet, he instantly looked away, like he was in shame.


-My, my... old memories? Do I perhaps remind you of that 'Niwa' to the point you can't bring yourself to kill me? I giggled

-Shut up.

I did as I was told, as he continued to play with my hair. For a slip second, I swear I saw him smile. It was magnificent. 'Never fall for the enemy' they say. Oh well. I slowly raised my hand before taking his and looking at him in the eyes. He looked to his right and I just huffed. I placed his hand back in my hair, as he stated playing with it again. It was pretty relaxing, his fingers were cold and so was his expression.

-So... does that mean you won't kill me or-?

-Don't you understand when I tell you to shut. Up.

-My... of course sir. Say, who is Niwa?

-None of your business.

-Are you sure? It looked like me and him could be... related?

His eyes widen, making me smile. I loved that. He looked so fragile when he was shocked. So fragile that he could break of I pushed the right button, which I seemed to be since our encounter. He looked adorable, even though the wind told me he was dangerous as fuck. So what? If I die, at least it'll be from a beautiful puppet.

-Oh... I think I got it~

-N-No stop talking..!

I got closer to him, making him surprise. I grabbed is chin to make sure he looked at me, which seemed to affect him a lot. A smal tear went down his cheek as he tried looking away once more. He looked beautiful like this. Not a bit of his scary expression was left and he basically looked like a child who just learned that Santa Claus wasn't real.

-He was part of the Kaedehara clan before your "mother" killed them all...

-She's NOT my mother.

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