Chapter 4: Jealous blond boy

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Kazuha POV:

-She's your AUNT?!

-Shutt uppppp!

All the class started laughing and I let out a small giggle at the two boys next to the window. Xiao looked like he was enjoying himself, so much that, for one of the first times i saw him smile! I was impressed. 'That boy must already be friends with Xiao, there is no way he would smile at him if not...' I looked at the rest of the band to see venti smirk and Aether looking really pissed for is sunshine personality. Then I remembered, Aether as the biggest crush on Xiao, and as dumb as Xiao was, he never realized. Aether's and Xiao eyes meet and the shorter boy immediately stopped smiling, probably thinking that Aether founded his smile ugly... it was quit the opposite, i remember one time Aether told me that Xiao smiled at him and he literally fangirled for 3 hours. My eyes then spotted the short boy next to Xiao. He looked embarrassed, his head on the desk.

I looked at him more carefully... he had indigo hair that looked so fluffy, i would have want to put my hand into it and pat it for hours... His skin was very pale, almost as he was made of porcelain, small blush noticeable on his pretty checks. When he got his head off his desk I got lost in is purple eyes. His eyes were hypnotizing me, i couldn't stop looking at them either . They probably were more addicting than the weed I took earlier. The beautiful magenta mixed to the indigo could make me go to my knees... maybe i was high right now... After all I smoked and took weed before school. While I was completely lost in the boys eyes, slightly blushing, i spotted Xiao looking at me. Oh no! Did he saw me look at the short indigo haired boy?! My thoughts were confirmed when he gave me a smirk for a second that felt forever. He then poked the boys shoulder I immediately looked back to Heizou embarrassed as Xiao whispered into his hear and he became ecarlate. I felt jealous of Xiao and I bet Aether felt jealous of the adorable little boy. I quickly said random shit to Heizou. Now I knew, i was clearly high.

-Haha Heizou did you knew that mushrooms actually have bones~!? 'Wtf am I saying?! And why am i high in a high school class?!'

-Kazu, not to be mean, but how much weed did u take? He asked with a low voice

-Not thaaaaat muchhh, i whispered.

Heizou putted I hand up and Ms. Kusulali gave him the persmission to speak

-Miss, can i take Kazuha to the restroom, he have a fever.

Whoa, Heizou was a good liar...

-Of course, just come back to the second period ok?

-Yes Miss, he said with one of his gentle smiles.

Time skip to the restroom cuz yea

-ok Kazuha what's wrong, even when ur on drugs u aren't that weird, no offence ofc

-Welllllllll there is that boy in the class-


-Shhhhh! And I'm not in love he just look so cuteeeeeeeeeee~ heheeeeee

-Bruh are u drunk?!

-Not at allllllll~ i just took cigarettes and weed before coming to schooooool!

-Ok. WHY?!

-Why nottttttt?

Time skip to the lunch

3rd person POV:

Kazuha's head hurted alot, Heizou gave him pills to be like idk less high and since then he felt really bad.

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