30. 🐺🏹

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Liam Dunbar's POV
"What the hell?!" Derek Hale yelled at me. "I know I'm sorry." I said burying my face into my hands. "You're sorry? I'm so tired of this that I need to tell Scott & Stiles." Derek says rubbing his face before he growled lowly pulling me over his knee spanking me. "I should really tell Sciles what you did the first time & continue to do, but I'm not going to, I'm gonna deal with you myself. It has to be another kept secret." Derek growled again still spanking me, I gagged on Derek's cock a little bit before he started thrusting into me hard, making me whimper wishing it was Sciles punishing me especially Scott. "Get some rest pup, because you're going to need it if you want me to keep your secret from Scott & Stiles." Derek says pulling me closer to him as I fell asleep.

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