32. 🐺🏹

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Lydia Martin has been spending more time with Jordan Parrish ever since Allison Argent died. Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski have been too preoccupied with Malia Tate & Kira Yukimura to notice Lydia's slowly but surely drifting away from their friend group because they're all so busy, Peter Hale's nowhere to be found & Derek Hale left Beacon Hills a few months ago so Lydia has no one anymore that's what she feels like so she started hanging out with Jordan Parrish more than Scott & Stiles except for when supernatural stuff happens and she needs to do her banshee scream, that's the only time Scott & Stiles see her now. If it's not supernatural stuff, they don't see Lydia at all they don't care anymore & Liam has his own group of friends that Lydia doesn't think Liam wants to be her friend outside of supernatural stuff, Lydia had no friends outside of the supernatural stuff except for Allison Argent who was her real friend and will always be her real best friend until she died.

One night Lydia was at her house in her room on her phone when her window opened seeing Scott & Stiles standing there before Scott asked. "Didn't you hear your phone? We texted you 100 times today?" Lydia looked at them before she said. "I didn't feel like texting you back, what are you doing here?" "We wanted to see if you wanted to come hangout with us tonight." Stiles replied looking at Scott who furrowed his brow feeling anxiety & stress all over Lydia. "No, I have plans tonight, Parrish is picking me up whenever he gets off work." Scott & Stiles look at each other before they look back at Lydia before Scott asks quietly. "Why are you avoiding us, or basically why are you distancing yourself away from us?" "I'm not, you're just not paying attention anymore, neither of you." Lydia mumbles under her breath before she grabs their hands pushing them back out the window closing the window and locking it pulling her curtains back over the window before she burst into tears not knowing that Scott and Stiles heard her and there heart was breaking.

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