40. 🐺🏹 PT 2

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"Ok, it's going to be ok I promise." Scott said hugging Liam tightly after he got to the girls' house and Liam told him what happened & has been going on for a few weeks. "You can't tell anyone about this dream, especially Stiles." Liam & the girls said looking at Scott who says. "I know, I know I can't."

A few weeks later, ever since YN YFN & Luna made Liam tell Scott about the dream Liam had of Stiles & Derek. Scott has been acting weird & he hangs out with YFN more than he does etc except for school oh and the supernatural stuff... like right now it's the weekend and Scott's at his house with YFN laying on the couch watching tv as YFN lays on his chest as Scott plays with her hair gently. "So wanna talk about why you're acting so weird?" YFN asked looking at Scott. "No not really." Scott mumbles looking at the tv now still running his hands through her hair. " please tell me, or I'm going to call Stiles." YFN mumbles, burying her face into his chest more. "No, don't do that!!!" Scott said, almost whimpering, like a baby wolf. YFN sat up and looked at him trying not to cry before he mumbles. "I need a minute." Then he gets up going to the bathroom, closing the door behind him, locking it.

YFN got her phone out texting YN & Luna besides Liam in a group chat, after she texted the girls and Liam, she saw Stiles standing there, watching her before he asked. "Where's Scott? I need to talk to him about something." YFN stared at him before Scott came out of the bathroom, wiping his eyes before he said. " I'm gonna go take a nap YFN." Scott said, not noticing Stiles's who is watching him now before he hugged Scott tightly. "You can't take a nap, we have to talk about something important." Stiles says looking at YFN who bit her lips before he looked back at Scott who was avoiding eye contact with him, Stiles furrowed furrowed his brow before he said. "Let's go talk privately." Stiles led Scott into the kitchen, closing the door before he looked at Scott pulling out his phone showing Scott some texts that Derek sent him that Peter found out from someone anonymous before he said looking at Scott.

"Whoever anonymous is, is it true?" Stiles asked gently before Scott bit his lip nodding trying not to cry. Stiles sighs sadly hugging Scott tightly, before he whispers quietly so only they could hear. "Don't worry about it, Derek's not going to hurt me I promise." Scott bursts into tears before he mumbles. "It's not just me having the dreams, Liam's had them too more than me, I've just had some recently." Stiles sighed sadly again before he squeezed Scott so tight, Scott tried to get away from Stiles's grip but Stiles stopped him growling a little. "Stop trying to get away from me, you're my best friend!!! You don't have to be scared of me or Derek!!! I promise he's not going to hurt you or anybody else especially me, I swear to God." Stiles says letting Scott bury his face into his chest sobbing hysterically. Stiles bit his lip wrapping his arms around his Scott's waist tightly before he whispers. "C'mon I think you do need that nap now, I'm going to stay with you." Stiles leads Scott to Scott's room laying him on the bed, Stiles lays beside him cuddling him to his chest. Scott cries himself to sleep as Stiles held him tightly texting Derek about what's happening, Sterek decided to have a pack meeting that weekend to talk about everything and maybe just maybe let Scott & Liam be their little baby wolves 🐺🏹 even though Scott's the true alpha he can still be vulnerable and be Sterek's little baby besides Liam.

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