51. 🐺🏹

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(1). "Liam's not healing." The girls told Scott one day at school. "What?" Scott says softly closing his locker door...

(2). "You see that?" Stiles asked Scott looking at him. "I see blood." Scott replied, Stiles bit his lip hard...

(3). "Liam, you have to tell him."

(4). "What if I can't?" Lydia whimpers biting her lip.

(5). S5EP12 TW🐺🏹 "You learned more than you think you did and faster than an ordinary person could." -Meredith Walker

"But that doesn't matter now." -Lydia Martin

"It does. Because I'll teach you the rest. I'm going to show you how to use your voice, how to use it as a weapon." -Meredith Walker

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