39. 🐺🏹 PT 1

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After the senior scribe, Liam Dunbar decided to stay away from Scott & etc (when Scott dropped him off at the hospital to stay with his dad). until his feelings & the voice in his head goes away.

"Hey." Liam heard from behind his locker seeing Scott, Stiles, Mason, & Corey one day at school when he was fixing to go home. Liam closed his locker looking at them. "Hi." "We're sorry." Mason mouths at Liam. "So, we're going to Derek's house, if you want to come with us." Scott said wrapping his arm around Liam's neck before he said. "I'm not asking, I'm telling you." "I can't, I have stuff to do today and tomorrow." Liam says taking Scott's arm off him walking away from them including Mason & Corey. Scott sighs rubbing his face before he says looking at Stiles. "What the hell was that?!" "I don't know, do you two know what it was?" Sciles looked at Mason & Corey who tried to walk away, but Scott grabbed them by their necks. "No, it's just... I know I shouldn't be the one to tell you this, but Liam's having a hard time right now, just leave him alone, give him space. When he's ready to talk, he'll come to you, don't push it or he'll just keep running from you." Mason said looking at Scott who nodded and said. "Ok." "What can we do?" Stiles asked him, his pack mom instincts kicking in. "Give Liam space." Mason repeated to them before he & Corey left Sciles standing there watching them. "I can't do that, my pack mom instincts are telling me to go get Liam, take him to Derek's house, and don't let him leave until he tells one of us what's wrong with him." Stiles whined looking at Scott who says. "I have a plan, go home before Derek kills you, I'll text you later."

Liam went to YN's house to see her, YFN & Luna, as soon as YN opened the door, Liam walked in and bursts into tears saying. "I have to tell Scott about the dream I keep having of Derek hurting Stiles." "Then let's tell him." The girls said as Liam sat on the couch as YFN called Scott to come over alone.

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