37. 🐺🏹

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Liam Dunbar's POV Hale Loft In The Kitchen
"I'm only gonna say this once. Stiles is mine not yours he's my mate NOT yours. If you don't quit bothering him with every little thing... I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth. Are we clear?" Derek growled lowly looking at me. "I whimpered, "Yes." looking at the floor before Derek says shoving me into the wall hard, me knowing there's gonna be bruises and scratches later. "Good, now go bother Scott with your problems instead of Stiles, because in a few months Stiles won't be able to handle anything from any of you." Then Derek walked away leaving me standing there shaking a little bit.

3rd POV
A few hours later, they all walked back inside including Sterek going to the kitchen to get their food that Derek bought for them. Scott looks around not seeing Liam before he asked. "Where's Liam?" Stiles looked around the room too, Derek watched them before Peter came downstairs and said. "Scott's new puppy is upstairs asleep, and he has been for a few minutes." Sciles looked at each other before they both ran upstairs, Stiles opened the door to his room seeing Liam laying on his side of the bed.

Scott & Stiles walked in the room laying beside Liam who was tossing and turning in his sleep. "Is he sick?" Scott asked Stiles watching him rub Liam's back gently. "I don't think so, but just to be safe, Liam's spending the night with me & Derek tonight especially me." "Ok, you're the pack mom, you decide." Scott said playing with Liam's hair as he started whimpering in his sleep now as they both watched him sleep.

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