38. 🐺🏹

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"You're the only friend I have left." Lydia Martin tells Chris Argent one day at Chris's house, Chris pulls Lydia closer to him kissing her forehead as she layed on his chest. "I know, I'm your best friend now." Chris said smirking, hugging her closer to him as Lydia's phone went off, she looked at it seeing a bunch of texts from Scott, Stiles, Derek, Kira, Malia, & Liam. "Don't answer it, they're just going to hurt you, I can see the look on your face, you're about to cry." Chris said kissing her passionately taking her phone laying it on the nightstand pulling Lydia closer to him as he could get her as she burst into tears.
"Hey, remember what I said, if you need to talk, you know where to find me." Stiles tells Lydia as he walks downstairs to get their food from the kitchen. "I can't talk to you anymore, not like I used to." Lydia whimpers grabbing the pillow bursting into tears waiting for Stiles to come back with their food & the rest of the gang.
"You're just a brat, all you want is attention. Sometimes I don't want to deal with you 2!" Stiles yells at Lydia & YN as you both whimper trying not to cry.
Lydia sat up in bed with tears falling down her cheeks whispering to herself. "I miss Allison, she's the only one who can make all this go away."

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