31. 🐺🏹 Chris Argent x Lydia Martin

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Chris Argent's POV
"What are you doing?" I asked Lydia one night as we layed on the bed watching TV, I knew exactly what she was doing {grinding her pussy on my cock} & I was going to punish her. I smiled as Lydia started choking on my cock before I layed her on her stomach. "My poor little baby." I chuckled before I started spanking her before rubbing her pussy grabbing my cock pushing into Lydia slowly making her whine as I started thrusting into her hard.

"Daddy!" Lydia screams whimpering as I kept up my pace smacking her ass hard again. "Shut up I don't want the neighbors or werewolves to hear us especially the werewolves." I growled lowly, before Lydia whimpered. "This feels so good, don't stop please don't stop." Lydia whimpers in tears begging me as she gripped the sheets as I continued to shag her hard and senseless until we both fell asleep a couple hours later.

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