41. 🐺🏹

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Scott McCall sighs rubbing his face before he turns his phone off wanting to know why Lydia's been acting weird lately & why she barely talks to & hangout's with the pack

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Scott McCall sighs rubbing his face before he turns his phone off wanting to know why Lydia's been acting weird lately & why she barely talks to & hangout's with the pack.

Jordan Parrish's House,
He & Lydia walked into his house talking when he said. "Ok, tell me why you're always hanging out with me instead of Scott Stiles Malia & Kira, not that I'm complaining, but why ?" Lydia stopped smiling before she whispers. "Because I'm tired of being a 3rd wheel & you make me feel important & useful, unlike etc because I don't have claws or fangs, I just have voices in my head!!!" Lydia said starting to cry making Parrish hug her tightly saying. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." "Please don't leave me like Scott & Stiles did when Allison died, I don't think I could take it." Lydia said clinging to him. "I won't I promise!!!" Parrish said sighing hugging her tighter not knowing that Sheriff Stilinski was calling him and Parrish accidentally answered it & Noah heard everything that Lydia said making him rub his face at the police station in his office not knowing what to do because Stiles just walked into the station with Malia, Noah hung up the phone knowing he has to keep this secret it's not his thing to tell. "Ok, c'mon we can still have fun let's go." Parrish said making Lydia look at him before she said." "Ok, just don't ask me anymore questions about that, or I'll distant myself from you too just like Sciles." "I won't ask anymore questions I promise." Lydia smiles a sad smile before they sat on the couch, Parrish turned the tv on and Lydia cuddles up into his side making them both smile.

The next few days, every time that Scott tried to talk to Lydia something always came up before he could, and she always left school early when the bell rang that school was over. "I need to talk to Liam." Scott mumbled to himself seeing Kira, Malia, & Stiles walking up to him. "So it's Friday, is Lydia coming over or what? Derek wants to know so he knows what kind of food to get." Stiles says looking at his phone showing Scott the text message. "I don't think so, because Liam isn't coming tonight." Scott says looking at his own phone reading a text from Liam. "What does Liam have to do with anything?" The girls asked them. "I'd like to know too." Stiles said looking at Scott with his arms crossed over his chest staring at his best friend. "I don't know yet, but I'm gonna find out."

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