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Headlights blaring into the room wakes me up

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Headlights blaring into the room wakes me up.

I can hear footsteps running up the stairs and it just startles me.

Is he home already.

"Fuck" followed by a loud crash

I grab my gun and head into the kitchen praying and hoping I'm just overthinking it.

I slowly tiptoe into the room and I can see someone standing there.


"Calm yourself"


"What the fuck happened?" I ask

I slowly put my gun down trying it to set it off by accident.

Not that I've done that before

He had a towel pressed against his chest as blood drops were on the counter.


"It's not that deep, it's like a small cut that bleeds so much for no fucking reason"

I press my hand against his gently moving the towel to take a look.

Not that deep my ass.

"Leonardo that's for sure gonna cause a scar"

He rolls his eyes before pressing the towel back against the wound.

"It's fine" he sternly stares

And pigs can fly.

Honestly I've never met a man that's so stubborn.

He cleans the wound before he starts bandaging himself up.

I watch his ever little move, not in a creepy way.

But the only times I've really seen this done was because of my father.

And that only happened once.

"Just stay in the penthouse while I sort myself out"

And with that he walked off.

My guess was to a bathroom.

I sigh looking down at my phone.

Yet another text.

Honestly if this random phone number doesn't stop-


The phone starts ringing and I look up to make sure Leonardo isn't here.

"Hello" I answer

"Katherine, you really shouldn't have answered-"

I sigh hanging up.

Honestly that name haunts me.

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