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"Get the fuck up bitch"

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"Get the fuck up bitch"

The fuck?

I open my eyes to see Ella standing at the end of the bed.

"What the fuck?" I groan

"Sage come on"

"Alright alright I'm up"

I slowly push myself up before starting at her.

"What's up?" I ask yawning

"Leonardo is out all day so I'm bored and want your help with something"

It's to early for this shit

I nod my head before stretching.

I yawn once again getting out of bed.

"What do you want help with?" I ask

"Well I'm invited to a party ball and I want help with a dress"

She gives me those innocent little eyes.

Like she wouldn't hurt a fly.

I can't help but laugh at it.

"Fine but if your brother asks I had no help in this"

She nods her head and flashes me a smile as she walks out the room.

I can't help but watch as she walks out.

She honestly walks like she couldn't have a care in the world.

And trust me if I could go back to an age where I was like that I would.

I grab some clothes and throw them on before heading out the door.

"Oh by the way I'm thinking of getting a drink and food while we are out" Ella says looking at her phone

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"Oh by the way I'm thinking of getting a drink and food while we are out" Ella says looking at her phone


I grab my bag putting my phone inside before we head out.

On the way down the stairs we bump into Hudson.

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