Chapter 10 - You saved me

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Luna's POV

My mind was awake but my body was still in another dimension. I tried to remember what happened, and then it all come back to me. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I was met with was Bill sitting next to me.


He jumped a little at my voice. "Omg Luna you're awake!" He squeaked with a sigh of relieve before pressing his body against mine.

I looked around my bed to see where I was. Hospital air, great. Looking around a little further I noticed Gustav and Georg sitting in chairs sleeping. "Where's Tom?" I maneged to get out. I looked over at Bill who gave me a concerend glare. "Bill where is he?" I asked with a stern voice. He sratched the back of his head.

"He's in jail...."



(Calling Bill)

"Bill you have to get here. Now!" I snapped over the phone.

"What are you-"

"SHUT UP! Get over here now. I'll send you my location."


Bill's POV

What the hell was he talking about? And then it hit me, he was talking about Luna.

The loud music was pumping trough my ears and the lights from the ceiling almost made me blind. "Georg, Gustav! I have to go." I yelled very loud so that they could hear me.

"Hey hey where are you going?!" Georg yelled back.

"Something happened I think...Just stay here i'll call you later." I patted his shoulder and walked off. I rushed as fast as I could to my car. My beautiful black slim car, the cold night air hit me like a hammer as I stepped out of the building. The paparazzi trying to take some picture of worried me chacing through the streets. Scheisse why did I park my car this far? 

Driving atleast 100km per hour with my window open trying to maintain calm. Just a 100 meters and I was there. I slammed my car door and made my way to Tom who was hanging above a broad tall man punching him mutliple times. I tried to grab his arms and let him calm down for a second but he shook me off.

"Tom calm down! What happened?" I questioned but nothing. He must have seen nothing but black because he didn't stop for a second. "TOM!" I slapped him in the face.He turned to me with cold black eyes, the only thing I saw in them was anger and hate. His nuckles all white and red from the blood. A clenched jaw almost cracking his teeth. I must say he scared me a little with all this anger. Looking over at Luna who was sitting against a cold brick wall. Why did he leave her like this?! I ran over to her checking her pulse, thank god her heart was still beating.

"Tom you idiot! Call 911 now!" He snapped out of it and dialed 911.

Not very much time passed when the ambulance came along with the police.

"Get you're hands behind you're back." The officer told Tom with a cold voice.

I looked over at Tom with worried eyes. Him looking back at me with ice cold eyes, nothing. He happly cooperated getting into the vehicle. "What are you doing?!" I snapped running towards the officer with my hands in the air. "He didn't do anything!"

"Oh yeah tell that to the man who tried to save the girl." The officer said.

"What?!" I snapped with confusion "What are you talking about Tom saved her! I can confirm, I got here a little later." Looking at Luna who was sitting in the ambulance shacking, she must have been so scared. I walked over to Luna "Tell them sweetie..." I spoke with a low voice. But she just sat there staring into the ground with glossy eyes. I gave her a hug and told her it was gonna be okay.


Back at the hospital

Luna's POV

I couldn't believe everything I was hearing. This man could have raped me, with no trouble. Thank god Tom was there to save me. But him being in jail just wasn't right.

After a while the docters told me that everything was okay and that I could go home. So me, Bill, Gustav and Georg drove back to the house. We still hadn't heard anything from Tom which made me worry a little bit. What if he was still there?

We walked inside the house only to find it empty. It was as quit as a dessert. I sighed and walked over to Bill. "Bill I'm worried about him. Can't you just make a call or something?" I spoke with concern.

He gave me a hug and told me it was gonna be okay. "I'll see what I can do."

After that I hugged everyone goodnight and got to bed. I was so tired and still in shock about everything that happened. I'm just glad to have Tom here to save me.


I woke up in the middle of the night cause of all the loud noises that came from downstairs. Taking a look at the clock that stood on my nightstand, 3 AM? Why were people making this much noise at a time like this. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. The loud cracks the house made as the heavy footsteps came near my door gave me gentle chills. I only jumped out of the bed when the big white door slammed open. A tall man stood in my door frame. Black braids hanging over his shoulders, a black lip piercing that shined as the moonlight struck it. His baggy clothing making him appear even more massive.

"Tom?" I asked as I turned the lights on.

It was Tom, but not the one I liked. I just knew he had one too many drinks, he was swaying as he tried to maintain still. And stumbling when he walked over to the bed. He immediately collapsed in my arms when he tried to get in. "Hi baby're okay." He spoke tripping over his words.

"Come on Tom you're wasted. I thought you were doing better." I spoke to him looking in his dark brown eyes.

"N-No you were unhappy so so I can't be happy if you're unhappy." he spoke softly as his heavy accent peaked trough.

I chuckled a little because he was talking nonsense. Grabbing his arm around my neck trying to walk steady and drop his heavy ass on the bed. He kept touching my hair, forhead, nose, cheecks anywhere he could lay his hands on. "Tom stop it, you're drunk, I don't like it." I slapped his arm away.

"Welll I like you." He pecked me on my pink lips. "Are you happy I saved you?" He asked dropping his head on the pillow.

"You have no idea Tom. I mean it, you really saved me." Flickering my bambi lashes at him he kissed my lips harsh grabbing my ass.

"Good, you're mine."

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