Chapter 4 (smut)

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**WARNING MATURE/SEXUAL CONTENT** (If you don't like smut you can skip this chapter, the story will still make sense, I promise)

I unlocked the door of my apartment with Morgan's hands on my hips and his mouth on my neck. I could feel his erection pressing against my lower back. Damn keys.
"Do you need help?" he murmured in my ear, biting my earlobe slightly. I giggled.
"I got it," I said, finally getting the door unlocked. I barely had time to walk in before he pulled on my hips and swung me around so that I was facing him. He paused to look into my eyes.
"You're beautiful," he said.
"Shh, we can't be loud. The walls are paper thin and my daughter is sleeping next door," I whispered. He smiled.
"You're beautiful" he repeated, whispering, without taking his eyes off me. I blushed. He grabbed me by the waist and brought me closer to him. I unconsciously bit my lower lip and he put his thumb on it, freeing it from my teeth.
"The things I wanna do to you right now," he murmured.
"I want you," I whispered. What the fuck? Why would you say that? He groaned slightly and roughly put his lips on mine. They were warm and soft. I opened my mouth slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside. He put both of his hands on my ass, bringing me closer in. I could feel how hard he was through the fabric of his jeans. Please take my shirt off already. His hands ran up from my butt all the way to the bottom of my shirt. He stopped there for a minute, pressing his lips harder against mine before breaking the kiss for a second to pass my shirt over my head. Shit, can he hear my thoughts? I looked into his eyes and let my fingers run inside the elastic band of his boxers, playing with it softly. He breathed loudly before taking my fingers off.
"Not yet, baby", he groaned. What? Why? "Take me to your bed," he whispered into my ear. I grabbed his hand gently, intertwining our fingers, and led him to my bedroom. He put both his thumbs inside the top of my jeans, directing me towards the bed while kissing me softly. I felt the foot of the bed bump into the back of my thighs when he grabbed my legs and sat me down on it without breaking the kiss. He pushed me onto the bed, my back unexpectedly falling flat onto it. I moaned slightly at the surprise. He smiled. He climbed on the bed, pressing his erection into my pelvis, rubbing it against me slightly while maintaining eye contact. His eyes were narrower than they were before. His gaze felt burning hot on me. He gave me a peck on the lips and his hands brushed over my naked breasts, going all the way down the button of my jeans, which he undid quickly. He looked into my eyes, as if he was seeking my permission to go further. I nodded slightly and he began to kiss my lower stomach softly, unzipping my pants and trailing the kisses further down. He grabbed both my jeans and underwear and took them off at once. I suddenly felt so naked. Shy almost. But it was only a second before he went back to kissing my lower stomach teasingly. Holy shit, is he going to eat me ou- I couldn't finish that thought before his lips landed on my pussy, kissing it softly, slowly licking up and down my clit. I tried to suppress a moan, in vain, and felt him smile against me. I could feel my vagina pulsing already. His tongue was sliding up and down my -wet- pussy, his lips suctioning lightly around my clit. I put my right hand over my mouth, trying to keep the noises in, while the fingers of my other hand were running through his hair, pulling it lightly as the pleasure was overcoming me. I felt him pull away for a second and put a finger in his mouth. The same finger that was inside me seconds later, hitting exactly the right spot. He put his mouth back on my clit while adding a second finger and sliding them in and out of me slowly. I could feel the electricity coursing through my veins. I closed my eyes and involuntarily whimpered.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna cum," I panted. He stopped and smirked.
"Not yet," he said, pulling his fingers out of me and undoing his belt. I shivered in excitement. "You still want me, baby?" he asked, looking in my eyes to make sure. I nodded frantically. He took off his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, taking them off along with his boxers. Oh my god. That's a lot bigger than Josh's. He wrapped his right hand around the base of his cock and rubbed it against my wet, puffy pussy lips, before slowly sliding it in.
"Fuck," he groaned, pushing it all the way in. I gasped. It was big. It felt big. It felt... good. Really good. He grabbed my hips, bringing me closer to him to get a better angle and I wrapped my legs around him, allowing him to go even deeper inside me. I squeaked, instantly covering my mouth.
"You feel so fucking good baby," he panted, thrusting into me. "Don't you dare cover that mouth, I wanna hear all of your pretty little noises," he groaned, hitting his hips against mine roughly. I let out a needy moan.
"That's it," he whispered, locking his lips with mine. He pulled my hips down harder, setting a rhythm that was hitting that sinful spot with every thrust. I dug my fingernails into his back, wrapping my legs tighter around his waist. I could feel the pressure of an orgasm building into my lower abdomen. I moaned softly.
"Are you gonna cum, baby," he whispered into my ear, probably feeling my pussy pulsing around his cock. I moaned again, unable to get words out. He grinned, hitting my g-spot harder.
"Oh my god, Morgan, I"m gonna c-" I couldn't finish my sentence before shockwaves coursed through my entire body. It was like the earth had stopped spinning on its axis. In this moment, nothing mattered but him and I and our bodies becoming one. He grabbed my waist and started pounding his hips harder into me. His rhythm was starting to be off and he had trouble focusing. I knew he was gonna cum soon.
"Don't cum insi-"
He groaned and stopped thrusting, his dick throbbing deep inside my pussy. I felt the thick, hot cum drooling inside me. Fuck. He pulled out, laying down next to me to catch his breath.
'What were you saying?" he panted.
"Nothing," I answered. He turned his head towards me, looking to see if there was something wrong. I smiled faintly. He smiled back.
"Come here," he said, pulling me into his chest and kissing the top of my head. I nuzzled up against him and he rubbed my back softly. I could've stayed like that forever. I closed my eyes and without even noticing it fell asleep, on his chest, right then and there.

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