Chapter 18

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I sat in the airport, waiting to board the plane that would take me to Knoxville. I had left the venue over two hours ago and still had not gotten a single text from Morgan. I pulled out my phone to text Lesli and let her know I'd be coming to get Ellie.

AUBREY, 11:16 PM:

Hi Lesli, I know it's late, but something came up and I'll be flying to Knoxville to come get Ellie. I'm flying in tonight, but I'll come get her early tomorrow morning so that you don't have to stay up all night waiting for me. Thank you so much for taking care of Ellie while I was gone, I could only wish I had had a mom like you. xxx Aubrey

I put my phone back in my pocket and felt it buzzing against my skin almost immediately.

"Hello?" I picked up, expecting Lesli.

"I'm in a car, right outside the airport. Please, come out and we can talk," Morgan said, his voice breaking as he spoke.

"Who's phone is this?" I asked.

"Ernest's. I knew you wouldn't pick up if you saw my number calling so-"

"I'm not coming out, Morgan. Thank Ernest for everything and forget my number," I said, hanging up. I put my phone back into my pocket and felt it vibrating against my thigh again.

"What?!" I picked up impatiently.

"Is everything okay, darling?" Lesli asked. Shit.

"I am so sorry, I thought it was Mor-" I stopped myself from saying his name, realizing who I was speaking to. "I thought it was someone else."

"What's he done this time?" she asked.

"Can you be honest with me, Lesli?" I asked, my voice feeling as fragile as my heart.

"Sure, honey. Ask me anything."

"Did you know..?" I mumbled.

"Know what?" she asked.

"That he was using me to protect his image," I said, my voice breaking as I heard myself say these words out loud.

"What do you mean, using you to protect his image?"

"Because of the fight he had with my daughter's dad at the baseball game in Vermont," I admitted.

"That was your daughter's dad?!" she asked, seemingly shocked.

"I'm sorry, obviously you didn't know. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything or-"

"Oh, honey, don't apologize. Get on that plane and come home right away. None of that waiting until tomorrow morning bullcrap.I'll be up and I'll wait for you with a nice glass of whiskey and you can tell me what happened, alright?" she said softly.

"Okay, thank you," I said weakly, almost whispering, trying to swallow back tears.

"Just you wait, I'll give that kid a piece of my mind," she mumbled. I couldn't help but to giggle faintly. That woman was probably one of the nicest people I had met in my entire life. It pained me to think I would probably not get to see her again after this. "You travel safe, honey. Call me when you land," she said before hanging up. The flight attendant called everyone to board the plane. I grabbed my bag, and with a heavy heart, I walked to my seat.


I landed in Knoxville a couple of hours later. I remembered the last time I had been in that airport; the driver holding the "Mrs. Wallen" sign and the champagne in the car. I remembered how excited I was to see his face and to see how much effort he had put into decorating Ellie's room. I could still feel his skin against mine, his hands grabbing my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. His presence was haunting me. Following me as I made my way through the airport. I spotted a cab outside and hopped in. I gave the driver Lesli's address and he drove off into the night. I turned my phone back on. 7 texts and 4 missed calls. All from Morgan.

MORGAN, 11:30 PM:

Please, don't do this. It's not what you think, I swear. I know I should have told you about Jensen's plan but it didn't matter to me, that's why I didn't. I never meant to hurt you.

MORGAN, 11:46 PM:

Aubrey, I meant everything I said to you. None of this was a lie. You have to believe me.

MORGAN, 11:54 PM:

Baby, please come back. I love you...

MORGAN, 11:59 PM:

I know you love me too, please, Aubrey. Please, don't do this.

MORGAN, 12:11 AM:

I'll fucking fire Jensen if you come back, I don't care. Please, come back...

MORGAN, 12:46 AM:



Baby, please answer me...

I sighed.


You know what the worst part is? If you had just asked me to help you I probably would have. You didn't need to lie and play with my heart. And especially not with Ellie's heart. I can't believe you did this to me. Forget my number and leave me alone.

I hit send and shoved my phone back into my pocket, quickly closing my eyes, before it buzzed again.


You kniw I didm't fuckjng lie. You know I love yiu. You neber cared about mw.

He's drunk. Probably with some skinny blonde girl with perfect teeth and flawless skin. I bet she wears red lacy underwear. I turned off my phone and closed my eyes, trying to stop the tears from flowing. I was exhausted. I didn't even feel myself dozing off, but when I opened my eyes, the driver was pulling into the driveway of Lesli's house. She was waiting for me on the porch with two glasses and a bottle of Jack. I paid the driver and walked up to her.

"Hi," I mumbled. She smiled faintly and pulled me in for a hug, rubbing my back softly. I tried not to, but I couldn't help but to break down in her arms.

"Oh, honey. Let it out. It'll be okay," she comforted me softly.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled into her shoulder.

"Don't apologize, darling. You did nothing wrong. You're home now." she said, kissing the side of my head like a mother would her daughter. I wiped my tears and pulled away from the hug. Lesli poured me a glass of whiskey and handed it to me.

"There, honey. Now tell me what happened. From the beginning."


This is a short chapter, but hopefully you guys don't hate me too much for the turn things took and still want to read this!! Some more drama coming!



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