Chapter 14

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"I can't stand that girl," he said, driving through the streets of Nashville.

"It's fine, I mean, she apologized," I tried to reassure him.

"She's not sorry, she's manipulating you! See how she purposely dropped that I had cheated on her, right in front of you?! Everything she does is calculated. She's so fucking petty," he said, obviously agitated.

"Well did you?" I asked, not sure I was ready to hear his answer.

"Did I what?"

"Cheat on her?"

"No!" he said, visibly annoyed I had even asked.

"Okay, sorry I asked I just-"

"I have never cheated on that girl. The whole time we were together, I was nothing but a gentleman to her. I fucking asked her to marry me and yet she'd rather believe some dumb rumors and spread lies about me than to give me the benefit of the doubt. Someone said I had cheated on her, a fucking throwaway account on instagram, and she ran with it." They were engaged.

"Why would you even cheat on her, she's so pretty," I mumbled, feeling so incredibly small.

"She used to be, until she messed up her whole face," he spat.

"What do you mean?"

"You think I like that shit? The whole plastic look? She didn't look like that when I was with her," he said, which, I hated to admit, made me feel a little bit better about my untouched, makeup-free face. "She made a fool out of me," he continued. "Broke up with me and broke my heart, dragging my name in the mud for the whole world to see, telling people how I was toxic and unfaithful, spewing all kinds of lies just for the fun of it."

"Maybe she felt betrayed," I said softly.

"Betrayed?! How do you think I felt?! Exposing our business in front of the whole world and then trying to mend things and get back together, what the fuck did she think would happen," he snapped. "Trapping me into having a kid with her."

"Woah, Morgan. Don't say shit like that, you can't take back that kind of stuff."

"Look, I love my son. God gave me my son for a reason and I am incredibly grateful, I wouldn't trade him for the world. But the way she made it happen is shady as fuck and she definitely did it on purpose. We had been broken up for some months and she came to a show, waited until I was black out drunk to get me into bed and called me not even two weeks later telling me she was pregnant and telling me her doctor was 'so impressed she knew so soon'. You think she didn't have that shit planned? You know, the amount of child support that I pay for Indie could support 10 of them kids! How do you think she got all that botox? That girl has been living on my dime since the day she got pregnant and she'll be mooching off me 'til the day I die," he said, obviously heated.

"I'm not defending her, but it is hard being a single parent. Why would anyone choose to do that?"

"You're not defending her but it sounds a hell of a lot like you are," he spat. "And it is hard for single moms like you, Aubrey, I know that, but don't compare the two of you. She has nannies and staff and gets an insane amount of money from me monthly and I still take my son whenever I can. My mom takes him too when I'm touring and working and when I'm not, I have him with me half the time. She doesn't work, she doesn't have to worry about financial stuff and I take my responsibilities very seriously. It has nothing to do with your situation."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," I mumbled. He put his hand on my thigh gently and sighed.

"You're fine, I'm sorry I dumped all of that on you," he breathed, calming himself down.

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