Chapter 23

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Morgan had spent the rest of that night on the phone with a realtor, demanding the world in a 48 hour window. He had all these insane criterias for the new house and had his mind set on buying it this week.

"You do understand that what you're asking for is a little bit crazy, right?" I had asked, my head resting on his chest and my eyelids already feeling heavy.

"She's supposed to be the best realtor in Nashville! Surely, she can make it happen," he argued. I giggled. "We're gonna go to my mom's tomorrow, and then go to Nash the next day and spend the whole day looking at houses and I'm sure you'll find your pick," he whispered into my ear.

"Whatever you want," I yawned. He kissed the top of my head, pulling me in even closer.

"You smell good," I mumbled, slowly falling asleep. He chuckled softly.

"Alright, go to sleep, mama."


The flight to Knoxville had gone fairly smoothly. Ellie had been asleep through most of it and Morgan had used the time to show me some of the -very overpriced- houses that the realtor had sent him, to get an idea of what I liked. We got off the plane and made our way to the baggage claim.

"I'm so happy you're here," Morgan said, kissing the top of my head gently. I smiled.

"Oh my god," I heard someone whisper behind me. I turned around and noticed two girls in their early twenties were standing behind us, staring at him. "Morgan, can we get a picture?" One of them asked.

"Sure," he said nonchalantly. They ran towards him and one of them bumped into Ellie, making her fall over. She started crying and I picked her up, staring angrily at the girl.

"Can you watch where you're going?" I snapped. Morgan squeezed my hand gently.

"Don't push my kid over y'all. You'll get your picture, but be respectful," he said calmly.

"That's Indie?" The girl asked. Why the fuck do they know his whole life like that?

"No, that's not- We're in a bit of a hurry, guys."

"Sorry," they apologized quickly. "Can we make a TikTok? Can you sing?" They asked, pulling out their phones. He took a quick picture with them and other people seemed to notice the commotion because before I knew it we were surrounded by people asking for pictures and shoving Ellie and I left and right. I saw our luggage come out on the carousel and tried to pick it up by myself.

"No heavy lifting ma'am," Morgan teased, doing it for me.

"Oh my god, are you expecting another baby, Morgan?" Some girl asked.

"Can we get a picture? It'll only take a second!" Another one begged.

He picked up Ellie, putting her on his hip and held my hand, guiding us through the crowd.

"Morgan, I love you!" This girl screamed right in my ear. I turned around and stared at her. What the fuck is wrong with these people?! "Just one picture, please!"

"Not today, guys! Sorry, I hope y'all have a great day," he said calmly, smiling at his fans who were following us through the airport. Jesus H. Christ, he's not a circus animal. These people are so freaking intense.

We got to the pick up spot where a driver was supposed to be waiting for us. I recognized him immediately.

"Andrew!" I smiled.

"Mrs. Wallen, Ms. Ellie," he said, nodding his head politely before opening the door for us. I giggled. Morgan got in after us and Andrew closed the door and went to put the luggage in the trunk. I sighed, feeling like I could finally breathe.

Sand In My Boots - Morgan Wallen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now