Chapter 8

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Morgan hadn't stopped texting me since he had left my apartment. I had packed everything. From clothes, to make up, to diapers and toys, I had everything ready. But the more I looked at my bags, the more I started to panic. I can't do this! This is crazy! I can't let a woman I don't even know take care of Ellie. And I can't leave Jared, especially to go with Morgan. He'll never forgive me. I have to make things right with him before anything else. And Ms. Brown would be so sad if Ellie and I left, I couldn't do that to her. The more time I spent thinking about it, the crazier the idea started to feel. I needed to sleep but my mind wouldn't stop. I had been staring at the ceiling for three hours when my phone buzzed, again, on my nightstand.


Spoke w/ Jared, everything's okay. You'll still have a job when u get back. I'll pick you and Ellie up at 11 AM, be ready <3

I set my phone down, and went back to staring at the ceiling.


I opened my eyes and looked at the clock on my nightstand. 7:00 AM. Solid 30 minutes of sleep. I got up and got dressed for work, unable to actually get ready to leave everything behind. I saw Ms. Brown walking up the stairs as I was getting down, probably on her way back from dropping Ellie off at daycare.

"Hi Ms. Brown," I smiled.

"Oh, hi darling, how are you this morning?"

"I'm okay, I guess."

"I saw the gentleman leaving your apartment last night. That is a good looking man," she giggled.

"Ms. Brown!" I said, putting a hand on my chest, mockingly pretending to be offended. She laughed.

"What's an old lady like me to do if not take a peep!" We both laughed.

"He wants me to follow him to Tennessee for three months," I admitted, secretly fishing for advice.

"Oh darling, how exciting!" she said, to my surprise.

"You wouldn't be upset if Ellie and I left?"

"Upset? For what, honey? I can't be mad at you for living your life! Life is full of little adventures and I've had mine already. But I will miss you, that is, if you decide to leave. Hopefully you still come by and knock on my door every once in a while," she said, pinching my cheek lightly.

"You truly are the sweetest woman to ever walk the earth," I said, pulling her in for a hug.

"You deserve everything that life has to offer, Aubrey. It's not everyday that God sends you someone who makes your heart beat a little faster. Be happy, my darling."

I thanked her and smiled to myself as I made my way towards my car. I kept thinking about what she'd said while I drove to the clinic. What if she was right? What if by not going I would miss out on an incredible life experience. But what if she's wrong. My life is good. I like my life. I like working with Jared, and spending my weekends with Ellie. I like being a hands-on mom and being self-sufficient. I can't just give up my independence to follow someone I barely know.

I pulled into the clinic's parking lot and headed inside. I bumped into Jared on my way in.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I mumbled.

"So, you and Morgan huh?"

"I don't know, Jared. Honestly, I don't know."

"He said you were going on tour with him."

"I'm not sure anymore," I admitted.

"I don't think I should weigh in on this. Either way you'll think I'm trying to steal your freedom, or screw Morgan over."

Sand In My Boots - Morgan Wallen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now