Chapter 29

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"Congratulations, you're having a little girl."

I turned to look at Morgan who was wiping happy tears off his face. He chuckled.

"I'm gonna have a daughter," he whispered.

"You're gonna have a daughter," I whispered back to him, smiling.

"I will leave you guys some privacy. You're free to go. Ms. Farrell, make sure to let your practitioner know that you were in today. If you don't have one, this is my card," he said, handing me his business card. "You can call my secretary and I will take you on as a patient. Have a good night," he smiled, shaking Morgan's hand quickly before exiting the room.

"Thank god she's okay," I mumbled, looking at my baby bump.

"Please, tell me you've learned your lesson," he said softly. "Don't let your pride get in the way of things. Especially not with me, please," he begged. I nodded.

"You're right," I admitted. "And, I know you didn't put my mom into a hotel room to piss me off. I overreacted, you didn't know and-"

Our lips touched, putting an end to my rambling. Soft lips on soft lips, finding their match in warmth. I could smell the forest mint of his shampoo flirting with my nostrils. He hadn't kissed me like this in a couple of weeks. A kiss that made me feel like the only girl he'd ever truly loved. The kind of kiss that screamed infatuation and that made my heart beat a little bit faster. I felt his hands touch my face, cupping my cheeks ever so gently and softly pulling me in closer. His lips parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside and his hands quickly ran from my cheeks to my breasts, in the heat of the moment. He panted into my mouth, touching me gently and making me shiver in anticipation. He let his left hand trail to the back of my bra, trying to unhook it when the door swung wide open. We both jumped, pulling away from one another.

"Sorry," a nurse mumbled, closing the door as soon as she witnessed the scene. I looked at Morgan, absolutely mortified and he bursted out laughing.

"Stop laughing," I giggled. "That's so embarrassing."

"We're fine," he laughed. "C'mon, we can stop for food on the way home," he said, grabbing my hand and helping me off the hospital bed.

"You really know the way to a pregnant woman's heart," giggled, walking out of the room, holding his hand in mine.

We made our way to the car and he opened the door for me. I sat down and looked at him, still standing outside next to me.

"Come here," I said, gesturing to him to come closer with my index finger. He took a step forward, leaving only a few inches between us.

"I love you so much, Morgan. Knowing that you don't feel it genuinely breaks my heart, but you have to believe me. I love you more than words can even describe," I whispered, looking deep into his eyes. He smiled.

"I love you too," he said, placing a soft kiss on my lips before walking around the truck to go sit in the driver's seat.


We got home a couple of hours later after having stopped for food along the way and driven around in circles, debating how we should name our daughter. Lesli was sitting on the front porch, waiting for us. Morgan helped me get out of the truck and held my hand as we walked up the steps.

"Careful this time," he joked.

"You're so funny," I giggled, rolling my eyes at him.

"Glad to see you two made up," Lesli said softly. "How are you, honey?"

"I'm fine. So is the baby," I smiled, rubbing my baby bump softly. Morgan stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my body, placing his hands over mine one my bump.

"Do you wanna know?" He asked Lesli.

"Know what?" She asked, confused.

"Take a guess, boy or girl?" I said, smiling at her.

"Oh, you guys found out?!" She asked, visibly excited. I nodded. "Lord, I don't know. Enough of these games, just tell me!" She requested, laughing.

"It's a little girl," Morgan said softly.

"You're gonna have a little girl?" she asked him softly, her voice breaking. Morgan nodded. "Oh, honey. You're gonna be the best dad a little girl could ask for," she said, getting up off her chair and taking him into her arms. "And you, my darling. Two little girls is such a blessing. We're gonna throw you the best baby shower," she smiled, excited.

"Oh, you don't have to-"

"Nonsense! His sisters will help me plan it, you won't have to lift a finger. This'll be your special day. Just a little something to welcome us into our family," she said, pulling me into her arms. I smiled. I felt my phone vibrate into the back pocket of my jeans. I pulled away from the hug and grabbed it to check who it was.

JARED, 1:46 AM

I'm getting on the plane in 10 minutes. I'll be in Sneedville in the morning. Hope you're okay xx

I showed Morgan the text and he looked at me.

"Seems unnecessary," he said dryly.

"What should I tell him?" I asked.

"I don't know, don't you think it's a bit intense that he jumps on a plane the minute he thinks you might not be okay? Without even asking us?"

"Maybe," I admitted. "But he's always been that way. He's protective of me, like a big brother," I assured him. He chuckled.

"Yeah, I can guarantee you I've never talked about my sisters the way he talked about you before we met."

"How did he talk about me?" I asked, confused. He looked at Lesli and back at me.

"It's getting late, we should go to bed," he said softly.

"Alright, goodnight, kids," she smiled. Morgan walked into the house and I followed him. We got into our room quietly so as to not wake Ellie and closed the door.

"How did Jared speak of me before we met, Morgan?" I asked, again.

"He's in love with you!"

"He's told you that? Explicitly?" I asked, not sure whether to believe him or not.

"He's told me things that have led me to understand that he's in love with you. That's why I tried not to get involved with you at first."

"Didn't really try that hard," I joked. He rolled his eyes.

"Has it never crossed your mind that maybe he kept your pregnancy a secret 'cause he wanted to play the hero? Be that guy who, like, marries you and helps you raise your kid to save your honor."

"This isn't the 18th century. I don't need to be saved, my honor's fine," I laughed.

"That's not- My point is; it didn't cross your mind that he wanted to raise the baby with you? That by not telling me he was basically getting me out of the picture?"

"He wanted me to tell you! He even threatened to tell you himself if I didn't," I said.

"Yeah, well, he didn't tell me shit."

"I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder gently. He sighed.

"If you say so," he gave in. "But, we're moving into the new house in a week and he does not get to move in with us. He has plenty of family in Sneedville, his parents are here, he does not need-"

"I promise, I won't ask him to come live with us," I giggled.

"It's our house. For us. And our kids. That's it. No one else, like you wanted," he said softly. I smiled.

"I know baby, just us."


Thanks to everyone for the extra love y'all sent me last night! Every comment/vote goes straight to my heart. I'm glad to know people are still engaging with this!



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