Chapter 16

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I opened my eyes and noticed the bed was empty. I slowly stretched my arms and looked at the time: 9:07 AM. I think I've slept in more often this week than I have in the last three years. I heard singing coming from the kitchen and got out of bed immediately. I threw on a pair of panties and one of Morgan's t-shirts and walked down the stairs, following the voice. I had never heard him sing before, but I could see now why his songs were #1. His voice was so raspy and beautiful, full of this ineffable southern charm everyone raved about. He had earphones in and was singing 'Give Me One Reason by Tracy Chapman' while pouring pancake batter into a hot pan. I giggled at the scene but he couldn't hear me. I walked up to him and poked him in the side. He jumped.

"Girl, don't creep up on me like that! I damn near knocked you out," he chuckled, taking his earbuds out and pulling me in for a hug. "Good morning, sleeping beauty," he said, kissing my lips gently.

"Your voice is beautiful," I smiled.

"It pays the bills," he shrugged humbly. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby," I said, stretching my back. "Smells good, I didn't know you cooked."

"I can cook pancakes and boil pasta," he laughed. "But, Indie says I make the 'best pancakes in the whole world', so, I guess I've perfected one recipe."

"Well, well, well, quite the chef you are," I joked.

"Oh and I called Jared this morning, he's gonna email you a prescription for the pill," he said nonchalantly.

"You what?!"

"I mean, he is a doctor," he shrugged.

"Morgan! I don't need Jared to be a part of my sex life!"

"Well, apparently you don't need anyone to be a part of your sex life, jeez. 3 years, woman?! What are you, a damn monk?" he teased.

"You're a dick," I laughed, shoving him playfully.

"Your virginity, the sequel," he continued.

"Stop!" I laughed. "You're just mad 'cause you're a whore and I'm not," I teased. He opened his mouth and put a hand to his chest, acting offended. I giggled.

"Alright, eat up! We have to go get Indie from the hospital in an hour," he said, sliding a plate of pancakes in front of me and drenching it in maple syrup.

"Woah there, that's enough syrup."

"Indie says it's part of the recipe," he winked.

"Yeah, well I'm not a 2 year old, I don't need a sugar rush," I giggled.


We got to the hospital and Katie was already waiting for us outside the room.

"Hey," she smiled. I smiled back.

"Hey," Morgan said dryly. "Why are you outside the room?"

"I was actually hoping I could talk to you," she said looking at me. Morgan raised an eyebrow.

"What could you possibly have to say to her?"

"Privately," she added, ignoring Morgan's question.

"Are you serious right now?" he asked, obviously getting more agitated.

"Daddy!" his son called from inside the room.

"Hi, monkey," he said, waving at him.

"Come sit with me!" Indie requested. Morgan gave Katie a warning look and walked into the room, sitting on the foot of the hospital bed. She pulled me to the side so we'd be out of earshot and I started picking at my fingernails nervously.

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