Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes to the sound of my daughter crying through the wall. I looked at the clock on my nightstand. 6:14 AM. Ms. Brown told Jared to come by at 9, right? I can stay in bed a little while longer. I turned around to make sure Morgan was still in bed and found him sleeping peacefully next to me. I smiled to myself. That was a good night. After 3 years of celibacy, I deserved this, no? I closed my eyes for a split second before hearing my phone buzzing against the nightstand. I grabbed it and looked at the screen.


Aubrey, is that you??? *hyperlink*

Shit. I clicked on the link, already knowing all too well what it would be about. An article titled "Morgan Wallen Gets Into Physical Altercation with Fan and Flees the Scene with Mystery Girl", accompanied by a picture of Morgan holding Josh down by the collar of his shirt, and one of him and I walking hand in hand towards the parking lot, popped up on the screen. Shit. I put my phone back on the nightstand and turned towards Morgan who was awake, looking at me. I jumped and he chuckled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he said.

"That's okay," I smiled faintly. He looked into my eyes and put the strand of hair that was falling in my face behind my ear.

"You're even prettier in the morning," he whispered. I blushed, breaking eye contact. "You'll have to work on accepting compliments 'cause that ain't gonna stop," he chuckled, grazing my face with his fingertips. I smiled and he pulled me in closer, kissing my forehead. I sighed.

"Are you okay, baby?"

I paused to think. "I guess so," I responded, subconsciously biting on my fingernail.

"What's up? You can tell me," he said, his fingertips still gently stroking the side of my face.

"Someone put out an article with pictures of what happened last night," I mumbled. He rubbed his eyebrows with his index and his thumb, like he was trying to make sense of what I had just said.

"What did it say?" he asked. I grabbed my phone and showed him the article. He sighed, throwing it lightly on the bed. "Fuck. I gotta call my manager," he said, quickly getting out of bed, still naked, and grabbing his clothes and his phone. "Bathroom?" he asked.

"First door on the left." He nodded and left the room. I sighed. Should I have not said anything? I grabbed my phone that was still in the bed and replied to Chelsea.


Hey Chels, yeah, that's me. Long story.


You know Morgan Wallen? And is that Josh??

Fuck. Chelsea had been my best friend since elementary school. She knew my entire life story and I knew hers. We'd been with each other through thick and thin and, while she was still living in Maine, we would make arrangements to see each other every couple of months and spoke on the phone every week. I loved her to death, but I did not want to get into specifics right now.


Yeah, he's a friend of Jared's. You know him?


Also, yes that's Josh.....


What do you mean 'do I know him'?? Everybody knows him, Aubrey, he's freaking Morgan Wallen!! *screenshot*


Careful though, I heard he's kind of a dick :/

I looked at the picture she'd sent me. It was a screenshot of Billboard Hot 100 where his name comfortably sat at no 1. They even had his picture up. God he's hot- Not the point, Aubrey, focus. I could not believe he was that famous. Had I been living under a rock? And why did she say he was a dick? I needed to figure this guy out.

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