At The Base Of The Gurík Kímare Pass

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Mik’Oriella 10th 


We reached the base of the cave pass from Khem Kendjam Intaba to Gurík Kímare yesterday. Tavi is surprised at the speed we are traveling. Kaenaék said the isilmëmírë water is what has helped everyone. I’m glad. Everyone is seeking answers. I’m sure they want to go home quickly.

I miss Aya Mama, the true friends I have, and those I was working with. Many of them have become friends. Are they worried? Is Aya okay? Has she gone to see Faemála? She hasn’t taken Nimuë or sent word in a long time.

“You’re thinking too loudly Ti’kúe.”

“No, she’s worrying too much sahodára.” Ana side hugs me. We’re at the base of the mountain. If we could travel straight through with the wagons, it might take a day to get through. Two at the most. The animals and wagons are being sent through a portal with a few of the Ash’A Jheili.

That family is crazy, funny, and incredibly skilled. We’re not supposed to see them, but they have been popping in to chat or listen to stories. I’ve been teaching them about the technology I brought with me. They love the drones!

After teaching them how to use the drones without crashing them, I handed over half of the drones and a control tablet to Varis and Sif. That attack was insane. It can’t happen again. I can’t believe I didn’t teach them faster. Our safety is important. They have to keep them out of sight but are having a lot of fun scouting without being in danger.

Their team has been recording and taking samples of plants for me. I don’t know who’s idea it was, but I cried when they presented me with everything. The Tu’sí are incredibly strong druids. Revëtu are physicians who specialize in creating medicine. Teaching them what I do is easy. I am picking up what they do quickly.

Unfortunately, there’s still a language barrier. We’ve come a long way. Even with magic, we can’t just snap our fingers and have all languages translated. We have most of the basics covered, but it’s still complicated. This world has a common language that most are taught, along with their race’s languages. Every race has a language, and a few have sub-languages. Not many, though. There are a little over 100 languages here. Earth has well over 6,500 languages! These are not including slang, lost, dead, or endangered languages.

There are three main factions or alliances. The best way I can describe it is like MMORPGs. The dragons, giant races, and some fae stay to themselves. I don’t blame them. It seems everyone else has separated by how human or beast they look. Even the beastkin, called zadýrint here.

Why do people, no matter the world, base everything on appearance? It should be a person’s heart that matters. This is why the taníyn keep out of political alliances. They want peace with everyone. So do Tavi and Ana. Getting people in the kingdom to break away from the old ways is difficult.

“Hello. Are you still with us? You aren’t afraid of going in, are you?” Lía snaps in front of me. It pulls me out of my head and back to the present. I smile and shake my head.

“I’m good. Just wondering if my loved ones are okay and what they think happened to us.” My sadness is obvious. “I’d love for Aya Mama to be here and meet all of you. For her to know I’m safe and loved.” My red rimmed eyes are threatening to spill.

“I want to hug you, but don’t want to bruise you.” She is struggling to hold back. We don’t know why, but Tavi and Ana are the only ones who can touch me without causing horrible bruising.

“It’s okay. When I’m healed, you can hug me anytime. At least we can do this.” I take her hand and give it a gentle squeeze. “Lía?”


“Faemála told me how long it takes to train and the things you’ll go through. Would it ease your mind to hear what I know?”

“I’m not worried.” She tries to sound convinced,  but her ears twitch. It’s her tell.

“Lía, you talk in your sleep, sweetie. We all know you are worried and miss home.” She looks down and away. “Look at me, sweetie.” Her eyes are threatening tears. “Don’t cry. If you cry, then I’ll cry, and Tavi will be running around like a mad man trying to make us smile.” We giggle as he huffs. He never panics. I mentally roll my eyes. Ana warned me that he doesn’t like when his loved ones cry. He will try anything to make us smile again. Admitting it or talking about it is a no-go. He will deny it, even as he’s doing it.

“Cara, will I ever get to see Ijt’aku again?” Her doe eyes sparkle with unshed tears. She needs a hug! Varis drops out of the trees and gathers her on his lap before hugging her like she was a little child. She closes her eyes and leans against his chest.

“I may not be your Ijt, but you are still one of ours.” He kisses her forehead. She may be more mature than most women, but deep down, she’s still just a little girl who needs her daddy and family.

“Lía, you can see him every week and during holidays. Your birthday is considered a three day holiday as well. They would never try to take your family away from you or you from them. The only one who has suffered that fate is Faemála. No one knew this would happen to her. They will teach you so many wonderful things and give you definite answers to your questions. I’ll tell you all I know, okay?” She nods softly.

I pull out the journals and notes Faemála wrote to me. We read them next to a cascading stream until it’s time for our midday meal and rest. The water moving over the stones has a crystal bell sound. Soft moss pads stones that jut up from the bubbling waters.

There is a large boulder near the center that resembles a tiny island four people can relax on. There’s too many of us, but we had it set up for hayati couples to picnic on. Well, those who can control themselves at least. We are hidden from view and out of hearing range. Speaking freely isn’t a problem yet.

In the notes, Faemála mentions a type of magic that connects two books. You can write letters back and forth to one another, but it requires blood of both people to be used in the binding glue, metal locks, on the cover, and in the metal tip of a quill. Not a lot, a few drops, but we don’t have Uncle Dez’s blood. They also don't know the magic. It’s only used by the Isilmëmírë temple and taníyn. Still, it gives her hope and eases her worries.

“Ti’kúe, my Miti, do you want to talk?” Tavi snuggles me close after our midday play. I’m drawing circles on his chest, following the beautiful patterns and markings he has.

“I just wish I could at least tell my Miwt, Aya Mama, that we’re alive and safe. I want her to know all about you, our family, and this world. I wish she could come here without the things Nimuë and I suffered. My siblings and their little ones would really love visiting. I don’t want them to experience this, though. I’m still so tired. It hurts more often than not.” I admit to the pain I’ve been trying to cover. The medical team can sense it, I’m sure, but I don’t want everyone fussing and worrying. “I feel better after you hold me.” I look up into his intense eyes.

“You need to tell me, Ana, and Kaenaék when you hurt. Don’t hide it Ti’kúe.” He strokes my face softly before twisting a curl around his finger. He loves to play with my hair. It seems silly, but I love it. The way he kisses my forehead, nose, and neck, strokes my face, plays with my hair, strokes my arm, and whispers his secrets to me when he thinks I’m sound asleep, I love it all. Every little thing let’s me know I’m loved.

“I just don’t want you all worried. Soon, we’ll find healers from other races. They might help. Until then, let’s take joy in every little thing we can.” I stroke the worry lines on his forehead away and kiss his jaw. “I’m still nauseous, but Ana has me covered. So, don’t worry. Okay?” He grumbles. I hook my finger on his tusk and pull him to look at me. “Tavi,” I say in a warning tone, “don’t worry. I will be fine.” I kiss him sweetly. It turns heated quickly. He curses under his breath.

“Not fair.” I giggle, knowing he’s giving in.

“There’s a saying on my world. ‘All is fair in love and war.’ It is definitely fair.” I smile mischievously  before climbing up to lay across his chest. To him, I weigh next to nothing. I love listening to his heart beat and the warmth of him against my skin. His hand strokes along my spine, sending little tingles throughout my body.

“Oh, and what are you saying Ti’kúe? Are we at war?” The humor in his voice can’t be disguised.

“Not a chance.” I yawn and snuggle into his chest. So warm. “This is definitely love because I love you.” His heart rate increases, and he kisses the top of my head. I slip into sleep as his whispers happily against my hair.

“And I love you, my Ti’kúe, Miti, hayati, my everything.” I smile as sleep claims me.


Vaiday Kaenaék

This is unacceptable! How dare she try a stunt like this? Trying to hide my anger during her exam has been a challenge, but I have to remain professional. Reveníre only show within the last month and a half of their gestation. Most reveníre don’t get large bellies as they cannot expand as other races. They give birth to edlíduin sized nanú. Their nanú grow quickly for the first year.

Sosyéte is showing. That means she is due no later than the end of next month. She was pregnant well before the ball! How? Who? The more I think, the angrier I get. Accusing Tavi of impregnating her. I have to tell him.

I finish the examinations and ensure everyone is clear for traveling the tunnels. Sosyéte will be fine until we are close or into edlíduin territory. The last week is when the greatest care needs to be taken. The others will be due in Oi’nos’anatí. No telling where we will be by then. Still, did she honestly think she wouldn’t be found out? I tug my hair in frustration before deciding to inform Tavi immediately.

Varis is guarding them. He looks like he’s napping, but I know the Ash’A Jheili are always alert. I wonder if they ever sleep? They seem to know the deepest secrets and appear before we know we need them.

“Kaenaék, you should be resting after working so hard. Tell me, what has you seething? The roots of your hair look red.” Of course, he would notice the tiniest details.

“Varis, I need to speak with Inkosi Tavirian. You should be present as well.”

“Can it wait? They are…”

“No. Now. It is in response to a threat against them.” Sif appears, scaring me and giggling as I jump.

“Go. I’ll cover security for my lady.” She flashes a little smile. She looks sweet and innocent with her hands clasped behind her back and smiling sweetly. In reality she is incredibly dangerous! It doesn’t take long before Varis comes out with a very grumpy Tavi. Ana shows up rubbing her eyes and yawning.

“This way.” Varis leads us to a remote section of the forest. Many Ash’A Jheili are camped out here. All at once, they stand and bow without a word. “Tu’sí Ana, could you place a sound barrier, please? We…” she has it done before he can finish. “Very well then. Vaiday Kaenaék, please.” Everyone gets comfortable as I start pacing, my anger coming back and rolling off of me.

“As you all know, I am a Vaiday. Álfrám often have talents and abilities that guide them to their life paths. I have more than most. I can scan a person and the unborn. I know when they were conceived, when they are due, gender, and anything about their health. It is how I know Dēvija Sosyéte conceived long before the Hayati Ball. She is due by the end of next month.” Anger crosses many faces. Others don’t seem surprised in the least.
“I can also sense intentions and hear some thoughts when in contact with a person.” This news shocks all except Varis and Tavi. “I prefer it be kept quiet. I am still developing the ability.” Heads nod silently. This group knows what my abilities mean. Some people are hunted, abḍucted, and used for them. “While examining her, I heard her thoughts of claiming the nanú as Tavi’s to gain the throne. Of course, we knew most of this.”
“What we didn’t know is she is working with the Gudalá. They plan on getting rid of Tavi’s hayati to place Sosyéte as Inkássa.” The aura coming from him and the growling had us on our knees. His anger permeating each of us.

“As I thought.” He growled out. His eyes glow. Claws extending. This is NOT normal! What is this?

“Tavi?” Ana’s shaky voice pulls my attention. She looks pale as she stares at his hands. “Tavi, snap out of it. Tavi!” He looks like he’s losing control and ready to murder. I hear twigs breaking quickly above us and look up just in time to see Sif drop down with Cara. Cara rushes to him and slams into his chest. Sif stops anyone trying to keep her away.

“Tavi. Look at me. I’m right here.” She rubs his chest. It’s working a little, but he’s still growling and in a rage. He’s trying to protect her from us. We all back up, even Ana. “Tavi!” Cara hooks her finger on his tusk, pulls him down to her level, and growls at him. Her growl is cute! “Mine! My monster, my hayati.” She kisses him. His eyes soften and claws retract as he pulls her close. Their kiss becomes awkward for the rest of us.

“AHEM.” Ana coughs, “Uh, I love you both, but do not wish to see you create my niece or nephew.” Cara blushes and hides her face in Tavi’s chest. Muffled words come from her.

“What was that?” I try not to snicker at her embarrassment.

“I asked what that was. I felt anger and the desire to kill, then felt Tavi growling. I asked Sif. She just scooped me up and ran.” She holds her hand to her mouth a moment. “By the way, if anyone runs with them carrying you, close your eyes.” The laughter eases some of the tension. Tavi sits with her cuddled in his lap. “Well?”

“Inkássa, a threat to your life and position was discovered this morning. A member of…”

“Sosyéte. I already suspected the bịtch Kaenaék, It’s okay to say it.” The grin I’ve been holding back breaks through as I silently chuckle. She explained her curse words to us. The real meaning of that one always has me laughing.

“Ti’kúe, the Gudalá are also involved.” He hugs her and kisses her forehead. She rubs his chest to calm him. He is struggling.

“Inkássa, she is due by the end of next month. I have a feeling she will abandon the nanú once she realizes we know.” Now her eyes are changing colors! There’s a pink tone appearing on the outer ring, giving them a purple color. Do edlíduin eyes change color? Tavi strokes her back and whispers against her hair.

“If she does, we will find the father and give him the option to take care of it. If not, we will find a couple who can’t have their own to adopt. We can care for it in the meantime.” Our Inkássa has a good heart.

“Forgive me, but how will we find the janaka? We do not have the heka family connections of other races.” Ana has a good point. Cara straightens up and grins.

“DNA my dear sister. DNA.” What? We all look confused. “Okay, so you all know you carry the blood of your parents and ancestors, right?” We all nod. “Within that blood are little markers telling us whom is related to whom and to what degree they are related. In my world, that is how we can track relatives. I don’t know how to do it myself, but I have some books on my computer that explain it and I should have equipment for rapid tests. This would be easier if I had Anela and Tammy here.” She mumbles the last sentence.

“Who are they?” Sif asks.

“Oh, friends from my planet. Anela is a geneticist, a specialist in what our blood can tell us. Tammy works with her as an assistant. The two of them are an amazing team.” She pauses and looks nostalgic. “Team. We could use them as well.” She looks around and continues.
“When I discovered the portal, I was with a large research team. We were discovering new parts of a cave system that has its own ecosystem inside. They could be of use here as well.” She sighs and shrugs. “No use wanting what we can’t have at the moment. If we could have a few people study those books and learn, we could possibly track down the father by asking her ex partners for a blood sample.”

“Well, there goes half the realm.” Varis mumbles. We all burst out laughing. Sosyéte is well known. Very well known.

“I’m sure many of you have a high ex partner rate as well.” Cara looks around trying not to laugh. “Let’s not be the pot calling the kettle khem here.” She can’t hide her laugh when more than a few people stop laughing. Their guilty looks are all that need to be said.

“Okay, Okay. Back on topic. I will write Miwt and Tu’sí Wa’dis, Akhet Úrkoma. I will inform our Miwt of the developments and Sosyéte’s Miwt to a lesser degree. I will also ask about any dehin she may have been in contact during the time she conceived. Then, ask her to get a sample of their blood for us. Until then, we need to pretend everything is normal. Agreed?” Ana asks.

“Yes.” “Agreed.” Resounds through our gathering.

“I still want to rip her head off and send it gift wrapped to the Gudalá.” Tavi grumbles. He would never actually harm her. They are a threat to his hayati, though. The Ash’A Jheili would in a heartbeat. Not while she is with child at least. Even the prisoners being interrogated are held until pregnancy is confirmed or denied before a finger is laid on them. None of those who interrogate are dehin unless the person is another dehin.

“I think we’ve all had enough excitement. We all need our rest.” Cara yawns, “Tomorrow starts travel without days off, so please, rest well.” We all bow and leave to take our rest.

How did my life go from my quiet work to this so quickly? I smile to myself, thinking of my Niliese and our little miracle on the way. She is perfection. I wouldn’t change a thing if it meant having her in my arms for eternity. I kiss her stomach where our nanú’s little heart beats, snuggle behind her, and kiss her cheek as I watch her sleep.

“Not a moment would I change if it meant not having you.”


I woke up to a crushing anger and the foreign feeling of wanting to kill. I’ve been angry, but never to the point of wanting to tear someone limb from limb. I hear Tavi growl and know the feelings are his. I ran outside to find only Sif.

“Sif, where’s Tavi? He’s going to kill someone.” Her eyes get large and scared for a moment. Before I know it, she’s scooped me into her arms, tucked me tight against her, and jumped into the treetops. We’re moving at a blinding speed. The bright colors blur, and I feel like everything is going to come up. She suddenly freefalls, and I’m terrified. It’s like that dream of falling when you’re jolted awake, but she lands softly.

What I see shakes me. Tavi’s pupils have changed to slits and his eyes are glowing. Sharp obsidian and gold veined talon-like claws extend from his fingers. It looks like he has partially shifted to a feline form. It that even possible? Does this world have shifters and lycanthrope type races?

What I do know is I am his mate, and if lore is correct, I’m the only one who can bring him out of it. I dodge those trying to stop me, ignoring the pain I’m feeling, and rush to bury myself in his chest. The changing stops, but now it feels like he’s trying to protect me from everything and everyone. Only one thing will snap him out of it.

“Tavi!” I pull him to me eye level by hooking my finger on his tusk and growl at him. It’s his weak spot and turns him on. “Mine! My monster, my hayati.” I kiss him. I feel the rage dissipate. His clawless hands wrap around me and pull me close. His hands grip me and lift me up. My legs wrap around him as we get lost in our make-out session.

Someone clearing their throat and coughing bring me back to reality. I pull away from our kiss and bury my face in Tavi’s chest. And what does he do? He freaking chuckles! He’s laughing! I was ready to strip and take him then and there. Ana’s comments about making her a niece or nephew make me bury my face deeper into his chest, and I silently groan.

During the whole meeting, I’m not surprised with what is revealed. While Sosyéte has some redeeming qualities, she still seems like a manipulative bịtch. I’ve had enough of those in my life to know what they’re capable of. We talk through the issues and come up with a plan.

I really wish I had the people and resources of Earth available to find the baby’s father. Érishu Tí has a lot of magic, so technology like ours isn’t necessary. Paternity questions are rarely answered or talked about here. Thankfully, I have some equipment that can be used for a paternity test and manuals on how to create instruments for an advanced lab.

The people here seem to learn quickly, especially when they use magic, or heka, to learn. If they can read the manuals to create and use the equipment necessary, maybe it can help in more ways than this one instance. They told me about the Lost who were rescued. It would help them find their families. It’s a huge undertaking, but worth it.

I’m not looking forward to tomorrow. We can’t use tents, the horses and wagons are being set through portals to the other side of the mountain, and I can’t sleep next to Tavi without raising suspicion. Ana and Lía have decided to sleep next to me with the girls. Tavi will be guarding us nearby, but it won’t be the same. We DEFINITELY have to keep our hands off each other. How, I don’t know. Why can’t anything in my life ever be simple?

I do know that I WILL find a way to communicate with my family. One day, I’ll find a way to travel safely between our worlds. If a portal can open to bring me here, then there has to be a way to do it again. I will survive this. I will learn all I can. I will find a way to bring our worlds together. Our families will be united.

Mik’Oriella 11th 


“LET’S MOVE!” My voice booms across the area. Everyone woke at 04:30 to prepare. We’re mostly well rested. Cara kept me awake until 29:00. I finally wore her out and collapsed beside her. I’m used to not getting a lot of sleep, but not after hours of an insanely insatiable hayati draining every bit of bodily fluids I have! I grin, watching her sleep through everything.

Yesterday, we tried using the force tiesh lounge inside the cave. It immediately stuck to the wall. We tried for an hour to move it into the cave without success. At one side, my hayati and the expecting vanit’a can’t rest on them when tired. On the other side, most of us get to carry our hayati. The akoka take turns carrying Sosyéte. The Ash’A Jheili are caring for TáRu and Nedressa.

TáRu and Nedressa cried when they found out they were expecting. Luckily, the janaka to their nanú is the same dehin and is with us. Uldré Ash’A Jheili. It seems he was the only one the two would accept. His hayati passed away many years ago during birth after escaping their tribe being killed. Telling him was difficult.



“Tavi?” He appears and bows.

“Is Uldré with you?” he cọcks his head to the side curiously.

“He is.”

“Bring him quickly.” I didn’t leave room for questions. They were before me five minutes later.

“Inkosi, Inkássa, how may I help you?” He bows before Cara and I.

“Please sit Uldré.” Cara says gently and takes his hand. I want to growl, but I know she is trying to comfort him.

“During their haĵesik, you took care of two vanit’a.”

“I did.”

“They are expecting and scared. Will you abandon them and your tékeredi after they find their hayati or will you…”

“They are mine. Are they safe? They aren’t ill, are they?” The tears in his eyes remind me of the day he lost his family. I wrap him in a hug.

“They are safe and well cared for. Cara has isilmëmírë water and is sharing it with us. You have no worries.” I hold him as the fear and memories wash over him. Most of his tribe was slaụghtered in front of him. His hayati went into labor early from the stress of fighting and escaping.

His Miwt was an Ash’A Jheili who left to join her hayati in Lókyä. He took her name and happily raised their family. Their tribe looked like tall, built edlíduin. They have smaller tusks, tails, light hair, and pale eyes. Their skin is hard and tan like an edlíduin with a slight shine to it. If it weren’t for the tusks and tails, no one would be able to tell they were reveníre.

Slave traders decided their vanit’a would fetch a good price. The attack was unexpected. Few survived. They didn’t expect the vanit’a to fight. The slavers got away with a few of the weaker adults, many tékeredi, and too many nanú. Uldré fought through it all. He could only save twenty-three. He brought them all home to the Ash’A Jheili.

“Uldré, they need you. They’re scared. You are, too. Uldré look at me.” He lifts his eyes to Cara’s. “I was married and lost my baby. My nanú. I needed my husband, and he left me. When I told him I was pregnant, he left to get intoxicated. I was left alone and scared. My saving grace was my Mum, Elizabeth.”
“They need you now. To know they aren’t abandoned, no matter what. To know you are just as frightened and why. I believe you need them as well.” He nods his head as she wipes away his tears. “Go.”

That was all it took for him to run to them. Word spread through the Ash’A Jheili. Both vanit’a are being pampered beyond anything they have experienced before. I held Cara as she let out her tears. She told me everything.

Never will I allow her to be alone in pain again.

*End Flashback*

I smile at the other dehin carrying vanit’a. Most of them look lovingly or happily at who they hold. Uldré tried carrying TáRu and Nedressa. Varis laughed and picked TáRu up, promising to switch next time. Valk’elden is sneering at Sosyéte. He’d probably drop her if she wasn’t pregnant. I look forward as we enter the darkness.

Ana and Lía light the way.

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