Mystery Tea

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Unhetáse 14th


Darkness and light,
Royal blood,
Freely given,
The two combine,
Darkness hidden,
A great light,
Like no other.

Darkness and light,
Love untold did they find,
The two combine,
Darkness walks in the light,
New life we find.

Darkness and light,
Truths they will find,
Bonds of family,
The two shall be,
Light of new life.

I open my eyes. This has been happening since my 13th birthday. Not my false birthday of the 10th day of Isawa’Sopo, but my true birthday of the 11th day of Akh’syèl. I must have been extraordinarily tiny for them to mistake my age that far. I look again at the strange prophecy. I sigh and dust the parchment before sliding it in with the others.

I thought I was mearly dreaming when an álfrám appeared to me. By my 15th year, I must be in Isilmëmírë to be trained. I believed it was a temple only for the álfrám. She said they would answer my questions. I’m not sure how to tell Ren’kazí about being told to take her newfound vaní to them as well. She assured me that Emlimye Soria will not be harmed and is blessed.

I will be going on the Ak’hajj with Inkosi Tavirian’s company. After we have left, I will tell them of my calling. After we finish his quest, I will depart on my own. I had hoped… No. It is no use.

Tonight, seeing Induna Eír’s body, something tore in me. I couldn’t stay for the festivities. I’m confused more now than I have ever been. Why did seeing her hurt me so? I’ve always been sensitive to the pain of others, but this… I can’t describe it.

For tonight, I just wish to cry my sorrows dry. Alone. I curl up under my blankets and welcome the darkness. Why do I feel this way?


I awaken with tear crystals caked on my face and pillows. I don’t know why my tears form actual crystals. They’re pretty. I keep them hidden in a special pouch that hides their appearance. A traveling álfrám gave it to me when I was little.

She found me crying after I fell and skinned my knee. Gathering my tear crystals, she hid them in the pouch, telling me never to let anyone near them. I gave her one for being kind to me. She said she would leave it in the care of someone truly powerful so I could be protected. Now I question what I need protection from.

“UUUUNGH!” I roll out of bed. Three hours of sleep is all I’m getting, I suppose. My chest still hurts with the weight of this sadness. I need something, anything to distract me. It’s too early to check on Kaliceo.

Kaliceo. She’s stuck in that room. It isn’t good for her to walk yet. Maybe I can… she needs a comfortable chair. How will that work with all these stairs? Wheels won’t work on them... MAGIC! That’s it!

Tu’sí Ana just taught me how to enchant force tiesh to make things hover. It might take a lot of little tiesh or a couple large tiesh to make a chair, her, and possibly the two dehí hover. It can be done. I relieve myself and attempt to look decent before heading to our workspace off Tu’sí Ana’s rooms.

People are still celebrating. Most are drunk. I shake my head. I listen to the stories of Induna Eír. Most are funny. It seems she and Ren’kazí Fíor were quite the pranksters. Some talk about when they were seeking their hayati. They took other akika on their travels, giving them caring advice.

A new wave of sadness and something else hits me. I know it well. Longing. I’ve always wanted a miwt. I love Ijt’aku, but I wanted a Miwt as well. Eír would have been a great Miwt’aku. Those evil creatures robbed us of her. I feel my thoughts going dark and shake myself out of it. Focus. I hurry to the workspace and find four large tiesh that are perfect for the project.

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