Checks and Changes

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Faemála’s Realm
3 days later


I was checked stem to stern by Earth and Érishu Tí standards the following day. My original estimated due date changed after I started healing and changing. A normal triplet pregnancy only lasts about 32 weeks. I’m supposed to be 9 weeks along in Érishu Tí time (11 weeks Earth time). After the exams, they determined that I’m already developed to 28 weeks!

It's another 4 regular Earth weeks to a normal triplet pregnancy. I’m not normal, though. When I said that, Mum, Amanda, and Zane all said “No shịt Sherlock.” Mum pointed out that I’m her daughter. I made the sibs explain the joke.

Nothing about this pregnancy is remotely normal.

The babies are developing 3-4 times faster than normal now. I have one week before they do a C-section. With their growth speeding up, it's dangerous for me. I’m not allowed to walk anymore. The weight is too much and my body is small.

It’s also dangerous for my poor Tavi. My libido has increased. He's worn out. I’m exhausted, hungry, and I’ve injured Tavi with my… enthusiasm. When I’m not sleeping or eating, we’re in bed. Stupid pregnancy hormones. I do spend about five or six hours a day doing other things, but that’s not a lot.

Faemála is keeping us here a month. She wants us to have time with the babies before sending us off again. I really appreciate it, but I’m worried what slowing time down is doing to her. She seems strained.

She and Masaru had the talk about babies. Being separated from her body, none of us think it’s possible. We really need to wake her up. She deserves a happy life. Masaru says he wants to be here to help with our babies. Secretly, we plan to ask them to be the Godparents.

The good news is, Masaru doesn’t have to worry about turning fae now! He can live thousands of years if he doesn’t give up his life. I guess Kitsune-kin can will themselves dead. When they do, they return to the spirit realm and are reborn.

“Ti’kúe, Miti, time to wake.” Tavi whispers in my ear.

“Mmm, that tickles.” His deep chuckle sends a shiver through me. It takes me a minute to realize something is different. My eyes fly open. “I’m not họrny!” My sudden cheer has Tavi laughing hysterically. I quickly join in, relief flooding me. “Oh no! I have to pee!” Tavi quickly helps me to the bathroom, laughing the whole way. He starts the shower for us while I’m occupied.

“Sorry to say this, Ti’kúe, but I’m glad for the break.” We start laughing again. We're still laughing and making jokes when we enter the garden for breakfast. Everyone stops and stares, jaws hanging open.

“THEY ARE ALIIIVE!” Zane does his best, Dr. Frankenstein impression. I blush at the teasing comments and jeers.

“Uh, hello?” I look over to the forest path and squeal with joy at the familiar voice.

“Ḍamn, Ti’kúe. I think I’m deaf now.” I smack Tavi’s chest playfully before kissing his cheek and rubbing his ear. He chuckles and kisses my head.

“Aww! He’s so sweet, Cara. Woah! Uh, Anela, are you seeing this?” Tammy is pulling Anela’s arm and pointing to my stomach.

“Holy! What the heck? You’ve been busy.” She looks around with a smirk. “Looks like a lot of getting busy has been goin’ on. Us too.” She winks.

Why does everything come out of her mouth lewd? I mentally laugh. Anela doesn’t talk like this around her family or anyone from her synagogue. They know she’s like this, but she’s well-behaved around them.

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