Part 15

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I sat at the front counter of the record store. I had a red zooey top with a high waisted black skirt, and my trusty converse (as always ).
My hair was pulled back into a Ponytail,so it wouldn't be all weird while I organized the records in boxes while people looked at records throughout the store.

"Hmmm, you have Little Richard." I hear a guy's voice say.

"Yes, we have more here in the back room if you would like to see what other albums we have." I glance up, and suddenly my heart stops beating.

"Hey, y/n."

"Caiden..." I shake my head in confusion.

"I came up to visit my cousin for a week." He shrugs with a smile. That smile.. I feel like its brand new.

"Really? Wow, you haven't changed one bit." I chuckle as I come out from behind the counter. Should I hug him? No...

"You have only gotten prettier." Caiden flips his hair to the side, and I blush slightly.

"Well, thank you. Do you want to buy anything?" I ask pulling out a Beatles record, "Possibly this Beatles album?"

"Or I could buy you lunch." He offers, but I promised to go with Pony.. not an ex boyfriend..

"Im already going with someone, but Thank you for the offer." At that moment, Pony walked in with a smile.

"Ready Y/n?" Pony asks glancing over at Caiden.

"Yes, let me just grab my keys." I smile as I grab my keys from behind the counter.

"It was nice seeing you Caiden. If you wanna buy something I am opening back up at two till six." I give him a hug for a moment. He still smelt nice and clean. His shampoo smelt like the ocean... I let go and we all leave, me locking the door behind us.

"Bye Cade." I say as we walk separate directions.

"See yea Y/Nick/n."

Pony was very quiet till we sat down at the main street café. He stared at me while I read the menu.

"What are you gettin Ponyboy?" I glance up at him with a smile curling on my face.

"A burger, you?" Pony replied softly, and I set my menu down and stared at him with worry stuck in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I raise an eyebrow, but soften my gaze.

"That guy likes you Y/n.." Ponyboy fidgets with his straw wrapper.

"Yeah, him. I can tell he likes you a lot. How do you know him?" Pony glances up and meets my eyes.

"He was from my old school... We used to.." I hesitate to make my point and Pony showed hurt in his eyes, " I dont like him Pony. My feelings for him are gone."

"Yeah, but-" Our waitress walks up and takes our orders, but quickly trotted away.

"Ponyboy, I dont like him." I smile. He abruptly kisses me softly for a few moments. I blush brightly.

"How long?" Ponyboy asks a bit curious of my answer.

"A little less than.. two years. " I glance down at my drink, "but you make me feel funny.. a feeling he never made me feel."

Pony blushes for a moment and smiles but then frowns..

"Two years.." Pony says slowly. He quickly grabs my hand and holds it softly in his.

He kisses my hand softly.. Is he seriously jealous?

I walked over to Ponys house after work. Caiden never showed up at the store when I came back. I let myself into his house, since no one was home but Pony. I walk to his room, but his door was shut so I knock.

"Come in!" Pony says loudly.

I come into his room quietly, slipping my converse off and sit on the edge of his bed. He was layed down behind me, but I stared down at him with a smile.

"I know I say this a lot, but your beautiful ." He whispers, and grabbing my hand, he pulls me down and kisses me gently, while running his fingers through my hair.

My heart pounded out of my chest, and I thought it was going to run around. This kiss... it was electric, and Ponyboy has never kissed me like this.

I pull back at little and take a breath to speak.

"Ponyboy, are you okay?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he does in return but his eyes showed something I couldn't quite understand.

"Yeah, are you?"

"Obviously. You just... have never kissed like that and its kinda, super not like you to be so.. aggressive," I bite my lip slightly, "Is it because of Caiden?" His eyes quickly showed hurt but then hardened.

"Yeah, kinda... He must have been a really good guy, to of had you for so long. To have loved you for so long. To have kissed you right, and to have been just a great boyfriend. "

He broke our gaze and he stared up at the ceiling. His eyes looked so lost in thought. I dont want him feeling like this.. he looks so worried about this relationship.

I let out a breath of nerves, and climb up, and sit on his waist. I stare down at his handsome face and kiss him gently. I put my hands in his hair as I gently bite his lower lip, and break the kiss. He must have shut his eyes because when I pulled away he was opening them slowly.

Wait.... did I just make a pretty hot first move? And did i just bite his bottom lip like in those 50s movies? All the girls in 50s films bit the guys bottom lip.

Ponyboy smiles as my face quickly turns red and I climb off his waist and go back to sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Wow." I hear him mumble and I smile slightly as I blush to the tips of my ears.

I feel the bed shift a little and arms suddenly wrap around my waist, and i feel his chest against my back and a very soft kiss on my neck, then he places his chin on my shouler..

"I think I may have fallen for you." He whispers into my ear sending chills down my spine.

"I know I have for you." I whisper with butterflies flying around in my stomach. Too bad i have to be home in twenty minutes... or else I would never leave.

It Started At The Record Store (Ponyboy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now