Part 25

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I gulp, widening my eyes at his words. I can see a couple sparks of anger and hurt in his eyes. He rakes his fingers through his hair, and shakes his head.

"So, I went to The Irish Motel." He crosses his arms across his chest, "I thought I'd visit you, and bring you some flowers."

"Pony..." I exhale slowly, shutting my eyes.

"There wasn't a room taken under your name." He continues, "I got some insight on where you've been sleeping this passed week."

I look up at him and shake my head, "I'm sorry.."

"Sleeping on the street? Really y/n? Why didn't you come stay with me?"

"Your house is already so busy." I rake my fingers through my hair,"I didn't want to be another burden on Darry."

"You're homeless!" He raises his voice, "Of course Darry would let you stay."

"I know, I just...I'd feel bad about staying with you."

"Why?" He sneers.

"Because you're poor Pony. " I raise my voice to his level, "You have a small house that is constantly full of your gang. I would just be another person making it more crowded."

"You're not just "Another person". You're my girlfriend."

"I was just thinking on what would be best for you." I snap, "Are you really angry at me because I want you as stress free as possible?"

"No!" Pony shouts, "I'm angry at you because you won't let me take care of you!"

This is the first time I've heard him yell like this. His eyes are full of worry, and hurt. I can see tears swelling in his eyes, and he rubs the temples of his head. He turns around, so he isn't facing me.

"I can't believe you would do this because you are worried about me." He says with a quivering voice.

I cross my arms, "Pony please turn around..." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He turns around, and hugs me. He digs his face into my shoulder. I run my fingers along his back.


Before Pony and I knew it... we have our deplomas in our hands. My mom came to graduation, but my dad didn't. To be honest, I don't understand where my dad and I broke apart. Usually the love from a parent never disappears.

Pony and I will be driving to New York in three days. He and I plan on living together in a one bedroom apartment, near campus. I will be taking glassblowing lessons, and working at a local library. Pony plans on working as a waiter at a pizza place.

I look in the mirror, while brushing my teeth. I can hear Pony and Soda putting stuff into boxes out in the kitchen. I spit into the sink, and wipe my mouth. I walk out into the kitchen and Pony is all smiles.

"Y/n! Look at this!" Pony takes out a Elvis Presley record, "This is the record I bought the first day we met."

I smile, taking it gently, "Wow, what a find."

"We're taking it with us." He puts it back into the box of records.

There is a knock at the door and I quickly open it.

There stood Cherry.

"Oh my God." I say with surprise, "Hey."

"I know you and I have had our differences, but I wanted to bring you and Pony a going away gift."

She holds out a box. It is a baby blue box with ribbon, and sparkles.

"Thank you Cherry." I smile brightly.

"Its nothing." She chuckles, "New York is supposed to be a great place to live."

"We already have an apartment and jobs, so it is definitely a awesome city."

"That is great.." She smiles, "Well, I hope to hear from you when you come to visit."

"Thank you! Bye!" I shout as she walks to her car,

I shut the door, and make eye contact with Pony. I hold up the box, and sit down.

He comes jogging into the living room, and he sits down next to me as I open it. I hand him the lid, and throw out he tissue paper. It is a snow globe of Tulsa. I smile, and shake it.

"First nicknac for the apartment." He chuckles.

I wrap it back up in the tissue paper and put it back in the box. I put the lid on, and put it on the arm of the couch.

I place a kiss on his forehead, and bring put the box on the top of Pony's book box.


Pony and I sit on a mattress, on the floor of our new apartment. He yawns, with a smile afterward.

"It is finally just you and me." Pony places a kiss on my forehead.

I brush my lips against his, and he deepens the kiss. He lays my down on my back and kisses me softly. I run my fingers through his hair, and wrap my legs around his waist.

He pushes strands of hair behind my ear, and slips his shirt off. Before we knew it, there is a pile of clothes next to us..


I will come out with one more chapter after this. This story has been really fun to write, and I plan on coming out with a second book for this story line.

Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter. Also comment if you want a second book. I plan on making the second book about them in New York, and the stuggles between them being a young couple trying to support themselves. There will be a major conflict, that will put off both Pony's and Y/n's dreams.

Thank you for the support! Stay gold!

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